Video ads to unlock zerocharts for 24 hours

+2 votos
88 visitas
perguntou 15 Fev em Off-Topic por Daninopll (5,589 pontos)
Hi, for a few days i've been getting video ads of like 30 second, they ask me first if I Want to watch an ad to unlock The website for 24 hours.
And I'm wondering if it's just me or not.
Maybe there's hope for an update version of this site

1 Resposta

+1 voto
respondida 15 Fev por Guba_ (3,678 pontos)
It's not just you. It happens to me too. The site seems abandoned
comentou 16 Fev por Daninopll (5,589 pontos)
but doesn't that mean that it could come back? Like they allowed the ads to gain money to update the website? or should I loose hope dx
comentou 16 Fev por Guba_ (3,678 pontos)
I hope so, but I don't think
comentou 16 Fev por Daninopll (5,589 pontos)
let's be possitive xD hahahh

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