Am i able to add old songs manually for certifications on zerocharts?

+4 votos
242 visitas
perguntou 17 Set, 2019 em Sugestões por Deleted user (5 pontos)
i just downloaded Zero charts but i have 1300 hours of music listened to and i was wondering if i am able to add it to zerocharts since it is on my apple music library

1 Resposta

+2 votos
respondida 17 Set, 2019 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
when did you create your account? everything on zero works based on your data on if you listened to those songs after creating a account, try to download the app and scan for the scrobbles. if not, you are gonna have to make the scrobbles manually but you cant do scrobbles older than 2 weeks ago...

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