How to change the data set points for a chart

+19 votos
298 visitas
perguntou 31 Jul, 2017 em Off-Topic por joewaaaayyy (20 pontos)
Currently the chart does the past 7 days of data, however I like to make my charts using the past 31 days to prevent the chart from refreshing completely every week and allow songs to gradually grow and decline. Is there a way to change this setting?

3 Respostas

+4 votos
respondida 1 Ago, 2017 por sirheo (10,214 pontos)

Actually it's impossible to do that by now, and you don't have to refresh your charts completely every week, there's an option to refresh only last week's data


+4 votos
respondida 1 Ago, 2017 por maatheusmusic (7,754 pontos)


the gringos came <3

+3 votos
respondida 1 Ago, 2017 por glass_magician (20 pontos)
you can't do that, sis, or at least you can't as far as I know but idk, maybe they will update or do something about that soon

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