POSITIONS: 1 mês de lançamento

+6 votos
331 visitas
perguntou 30 Nov, 2020 em Charts por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)
Hoje faz 1 mês desde que Ariana Grande nos presenteou com seu 6° álbum de estúdio, o 'Positions', que foi #1 na Billboard 200 e já ultrapassou 900 milhões de streams globais, além de estar hitando com o single de mesmo nome, que está charteando até hoje no Top 5 da Hot 100 e já acumula mais de 200M de streams no Spotify. Não só sucesso no mundo real, como também no meu Zero, confiram o desempenho:

Positions by Ariana Grande

Peak: #1 (5x) | Weeks: 5
Streams: 650M+
Pure Sales: 3,588,000 | SPS: 4,088,000
Elegível a 4x Platina

YEC 2020: #2 (so far)
All Time: #6


#1. (3x) 34+35 | 1,4M SPS | Streams: 118.3M
#1. (1x) positions | 2,3M SPS | Streams: 141.6M



#1. (1x) pov | 1,3M SPS | Streams: 38.1M
#3. (1x) motive ft. Doja Cat | 1,1M SPS | Streams: 34.9M
#4. (1x) shut up | 1,1M  SPS | Streams: 33.5M
#5. (1x) just like magic | 1,1M SPS | Streams: 34.7M
#5. (1x) off the table ft. The Weeknd | 1,1M SPS | Streams: 32.9M
#6. (2x) six thirty | 1,1M SPS | Streams: 34.5M
#7. (1x) nasty | 984K SPS | Streams: 30M
#9. (1x) safety net ft. Ty Dolla $ing | 1M SPS | Streams: 32M
#9. (2x) obvious | 1M SPS | Streams: 31.2M
#10. (1x) my hair | 1M SPS | Streams: 30.4M
#12. (1x) love language | 920K SPS | Streams: 28.6M
#13. (1x) west side | 900K SPS | Streams: 27.8M

Total Era SPS Sold: +20M

A era foi bem no seu país durante o primeiro mês?

5 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 1 Dez, 2020 por Deleted user (1,363 pontos)
selecionada 1 Dez, 2020 por forstavinski
Melhor resposta

— Positions by Ariana Grande

Peak: #1 (5x) | Weeks: 6
Streams: 740M+
Pure Sales: 5.913.856 | SPS: 7,433,374
Elegível a 7x Platina

YEC 2020: #2 (sooo far...)
All Time: #2


#1. (1x) positions | 3M SPS | Streams: 169.1M
#2. (2x) obvious | 2.1M SPS | Streams: 131.4M
#4. (2x) 34+35 | 2.1M SPS | Streams: 138M


#5. (1x) just like magic | 1.5M SPS | Streams: 33.5M
#6. (1x) shut up | 969K SPS | Streams: 22.3M
#7. (1x) pov | 1.2M SPS | Streams: 27.2M
#7. (1x) six thirty | 1.3M SPS | Streams: 30.8M
#8. (1x) motive (with Doja Cat) | 1.1M SPS | Streams: 26.4M
#8. (1x) safety net (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) | 1.2M SPS | Streams: 28M
#9. (1x) my hair | 1.3M SPS | Streams: 30.8M
#11. (1x) love language | 992K SPS | Streams: 22.5M
#12. (1x) nasty | 1M SPS | Streams: 23.1M
#13. (1x) off the table (with The Weeknd) | 1M SPS | Streams: 23.5M
#13. (1x) west side | 1M SPS | Streams: 23.9M

— Total Era SPS Sold (ps - contando tags erradas): +21,1M.
+1 voto
respondida 30 Nov, 2020 por Vincius02 (1,687 pontos)
Desempenho da era Positions:

Peak: #1 (5x) | Weeks: 5
Pure Sales: 2,060,000 | 2,370,000 units
Certificado 2x Platina
Streams: 828.2M

YEC 2020: #8
All Time: #10


— Positions
Peak #1 (4x) | 2.103.000 SPS | Streams: 273.2M

— 34+35
Peak #5 | 958,000 SPS | Streams: 92.3M


#2 Motive - 1,054,000 sps
#5 Pov - 661,000
#10 Safety Net - 806,000
#10 Shut Up - 463,000
#12 Off The Table - 569,000
#34 My Hair - 158,000
#35 Obvious - 136,000
#38 Just Like Magic - 124,000
#41 West Side - 121,000
#43 Six Thirty - 113,000

Total Era SPS Sold: +9.5M
+1 voto
respondida 30 Nov, 2020 por mirandafdiego (962 pontos)
Peak: #2 | 5 weeks on chart
4 - 2 - 6 - 10 - 5
Pure Sales: 322,000
SPS: 472,000
Streams: 225,000,000

#2 (2X) positions: 1,791,000 SPS | 710,000 Pure Sales | 162.1M stremas
#22 pov: 256,000 SPS | 120,000 Pure Sales | 20.4M streams

a era começou fraca aqui, mas acho que vai ter bastante estabilidade
+1 voto
respondida 1 Dez, 2020 por isra_eel (2,929 pontos)
Positions - Ariana Grande
Peak:#1 (3x) | Weeks: 4
SPS: 1.532.000
certificado: 1x platina

YEC 2020: #15 (so far)

#1. positions |SPS: 910.000|ouro
#8. 34+35 |SPS: 391.000|

#1. (2x) pov |SPS: 1.049.000| 1x platina
#2. (1x) nasty |SPS: 683.000| ouro
#3. (1x) motive (with Doja Cat) |SPS: 701.000| ouro
#4. (1x) just like magic |SPS: 692.000| ouro
#5. (1x) off the table (with The Weeknd) |SPS:428.000|
#6. (1x) my hair |SPS: 498.000 |
#7. (1x) safety net (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) |SPS 506.000| ouro
#10. (1x) six thirty |SPS: 368.000|
#12. (1x) obvious |SPS: 185.000|
#14. (1x) love language |SPS: 176.000|
#15. (1x) west side |SPS: 170.000
#16. (1x) shut up |SPS: 165.00

considerando que os álbuns nas posições acima do positions tem um numero bem alto, a era esta sendo um hit aqui
+1 voto
respondida 1 Dez, 2020 por Deleted user (916 pontos)
Positions by Ariana Grande

Peak: #1 (1x) | Weeks: 4
Streams: 111M
Pure Sales: 364.000 | SPS: 1.101.250
1x Platina


#1 (1x) positions | 1,4M SPS | Streams: 73M
#7 (1x) 34+35 | 579.000 SPS | Streams: 35M

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