#1 21x
36 semanas
5,000,000 pure sales
8,548,000 SPS
#7 all-time
#1 YEC 2020
#2 YEC 2021 até agora
The 1 - 8,020,000 | #1 3x
Cardigan - 9,874,000 | #1 2x
The Last Great American Dynasty - 7,058,000 | #2
Exile" (featuring Bon Iver) - 7,082,000 | #2
My Tears Ricochet - 6,056,000 | #5
Mirrorball - 6,076,000 | #1
Seven - 5,578,000 | #2
August - 8,322,000 | #1 2x
This Is Me Trying - 5,462,000 | #5 3x
Illicit Affairs - 5,608,000 | #7 2x
Invisible String - 5,226,000 | #6 2x
Mad Woman - 7,222,000 | #2
Epiphany - 5,832,000 | #2
Betty - 6,938,000 | #2
Peace - 5,720,000 | #2
Hoax - 6,064,000 | #1
The Lakes - 4,136,000 | #1