Taylor Swift: folklore Era

+7 votos
1,139 visitas
perguntou 5 Set, 2020 em Charts por RonaldBh (1,844 pontos)

A era folklore não foi uma das mais bem sucedidas da Taylor Swift no chart, ficando bem atrás da Era Reputation e Lover, mas vem dando indícios que vai começar a hitar.

TOTAL ERA: 2,624,000
674,000 (album) + 1,950,000 (tracks)

"folklore" by Taylor Swift

Peak: #1 (1x) Bh's Albums Chart
Pure Sales: 252,000
SPS: 674,000
Debut: 268,000 (#1)
Weeks: 5 (3 weeks on top 10)
Certified Gold (500,000)
#10 YEC 2020 (so far)

#2 (1x) exile (feat. Bon Iver) - 154,000 SPS
#4 (1x) the 1 - 150,000 SPS
#5 (1x) cardigan - 568,000 SPS
#10 (1x) epiphany - 102,000 SPS
#11 (1x) hoax - 100,000 SPS
#12 (1x) invisible string - 98,000 SPS
#13 (1x) mad woman - 96,000 SPS
#14 (1x) this is me trying  - 94,000 SPS
#19 (1x) august - 80,000 SPS
#20 (1x) illicit affairs - 78,000 SPS
#21 (1x) betty - 76,000 SPS
#22 (1x) my tears ricochet - 74,000 SPS
#23 (1x) the last great american dynasty - 72,000 SPS
#24 (1x) seven - 70,000 SPS
#27 (1x) mirrorball - 60,000 SPS
#28 (1x) peace - 58,000 SPS

Como foi o desempenho da era no seu chart?

9 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 5 Set, 2020 por Deleted user (264 pontos)

Peak: 1(5x)
Weeks: 6
Units: 1,569,000
Certification: 1x Platinum

#3 cardigan 1,259,000 [1x Platinum]
#5 august 1,027,000 [1x Platinum]
#9 betty 316,000
#10 exile (feat. bon iver) 533,000 [Gold]
#11 mirrorball 290,000
#12 seven 795,000 [Gold]
#12 my tears ricochet 287,000
#13 the 1 559,000 [Gold]
#14 the last great american dynasty 703,000 [Gold]
#16 epiphany 323,000
#17 hoax 317,000
#18 illicit affairs 311,000
#19 invisible string 295,000
#20 the lakes 315,000
#20 mad woman 263,000
#21 peace 250,000
#23 this is me trying 244,000

Total:  8,087,000
+1 voto
respondida 9 Set, 2020 por Toveline (616 pontos)
O folklore é o pico da loirinha aqui no chart. Em vendas puras já passou o Lover, agora só falta ficar estável pra desbancar a era reputation. Além disso, agora tem o recorde de maior número de semanas consecutivas em #1.

FOLKLORE - Taylor Swift

Peak: #1(6x)
Weeks: 6
962,000 SPS


#1(2x) peace - 1M sps
#2 cardigan - 552k sps
#3 the 1 - 1M sps
#6 betty - 676k sps
#8 the last great american dynasty - 768k sps
#9 illicit affairs - 567k sps
#11 mirrorball - 475k sps
#12 my tears ricochet - 656k sps
#15 august - 351k sps
#16 exile - 336k sps
#16 epiphany - 411k sps
#17 seven - 349k sps
#20 this is me trying - 392k sps
#25 invisible string - 349k sps
#27 mad woman - 214k sps
#32 hoax - 156k sps
+1 voto
respondida 9 Set, 2020 por Deleted user (9,638 pontos)
Aqui folklore hitou demais, superando a maior era da taylor no meu país, a era Lover

Folklore era

-> Album

Peak: #1 (5x)

Chart Run: 1-1-1-1-1-2-2

Debut: 567K SPS | 417K pure sales

Sales SPS: 2.595.000

Pure Sales: 1.551.000

YEC 2020: #4 | All-time charts: #5


-> Faixas

#2 (3x) cardigan - 2.256.000 SPS | 1.060M pure sales
#4 mirrorball - 1.334.000 SPS | 490K pure sales

#4 the last great american dynasty - 1.664.000 SPS | 580K pure sales

#6 seven - 914.000 SPS | 370K pure sales

#9 exile feat. Bon Iver - 1.092.000 SPS | 380K pure sales

#14 august - 772.000 SPS | 300K pure sales

#15 the 1 - 520.000 SPS | 260K pure sales

#21 my tears ricochet - 520.000 SPS | 260K pure sales

#33 illicit affaris - 402.000 SPS | 230K pure sales

#35 betty - 244.000 SPS | 180K pure sales

#35 epiphany - 244.000 SPS | 180K pure sales

#36 (2x) invisible string - 382.000 SPS | 230K pure sales

#37 this is me trying - 354.000 SPS | 230K pure sales

#37 mad woman - 254.000 SPS | 170K pure sales



Album + Faixas = 13.547.000 cópias SPS

Streams álbum: 378.074.160 milhões de strems (Spotify)
0 votos
respondida 10 Set, 2020 por mirandafdiego (962 pontos)
967 reproduções | 6 semanas em #1

Week 1: 1,131,000 (#1) - recorde maior debut all time
Week 2:   689,000 (#1)
Week 3:   543,000 (#1)
Week 4:   317,000 (#1)
Week 5:   283,000 (#1)
Week 6:   231,000 (#1)
TOTAL: 3,194,000 (3x Platina)

#1 (3x) Cardigan - 2,351,000 (2x Platina)
#1 (1x) the 1 - 2,234,000 (2x Platina)
#3 (1x) exile - 1,504,000 (Platina)
#3 (1x) seven - 1,458,000 (Platina)
#3 (1x) the lakes - 1,252,000 (Platina)
#4 (1x) mirrorball - 1,562,000 (Platina)
#4 (1x) august - 1,500,000 (Platina)
#6 (1x) hoax - 1,551,000 (Platina)
#6 (1x) betty - 1,337,000 (Platina)
#6 (1x) epiphany - 1,323,000 (Platina)
#7 (1x) my tears ricochet - 1,453,00 (Platina)
#7 (2x) illicit affairs - 1,400,000 (Platina)
#8 (1x) invisible string - 1,320,000 (Platina)
#9 (1x) mad woman - 1,362,000 (Platina)
#9 (1x) the last great american dynasty - 1,267,000 (Platina)
#11 (1x) peace - 1,248,000 (Platina)
#13 (1x) this is me trying - 1,306,000 (Platina)

TOTAL DA ERA: 26,388,000

Red - 8,693,000 (8x Platina)
1989 - 6,171,000 (6x Platina)
Lover - 5,472,000 (5x Platina)
reputation - 4,454,000 (4x Platina)
Speak Now - 3,574,000 (3x Platina)
Folklore - 3,191,000 (3x Platina)
reputation Stadium Tour - 1,290,000 (Platina)
Fearless - 933,000 (Ouro)
Taylor Swift - 554,000 (Ouro)
TOTAL: 34,332,000
0 votos
respondida 8 Out, 2020 por matthrz (8,106 pontos)

PEAK #1 (5x) | 11 WEEKS
SPS 1.973.000
1x Platinum

#1 (2x) seven | 1.3m
#1 my tears ricochet | 1.1m

#2 cardigan | 1.3m
#2 exile (feat. bon iver) | 1.0m
#3 (2x) august | 1.2m
#3 (2x) the 1 | 1.0m
#5 (2x) mirrorball | 916k
#6 (2x) the last great american dysnaty | 926k
#7 betty | 882k
#7 this is me trying | 874k
#8 the lakes | 284k
#9 illicit affairs | 826k
#9 epiphany | 804k
#10 invisible string | 954k
#12 mad woman | 760k
#13 hoax | 646k
#14 peace | 710k

TOTAL ERA 17.807.000
0 votos
respondida 8 Out, 2020 por Deleted user (872 pontos)

Folklore by Taylor Swift
Peak: 1(3x)
Weeks: 10
Pure Sales: 3,043,000
SPS: 4,001,000
Debut: 1,781,000 (#1)

#1 (1x) betty - 1.832.000 SPS
#1 (1x) exile (feat. Bon Iver) - 1.120.000 SPS
#3 (2x) cardigan - 1.408.000 SPS
#4 (1x) mirrorball - 1.052.000 SPS
#4 (1x) the last great american dynasty - 1.116.000 SPS
#5 (1x) the 1 - 879.000 SPS
#6 (1x) my tears ricochet - 636.000 SPS
#7 (1x) peace - 1.147.000 SPS
#7 (1x) seven - 632.000 SPS
#8 (1x) this is me trying - 543.000 SPS
#10 (1x) mad woman - 569.000 SPS
#11 (1x) august - 590.000 SPS
#11 (1x) illicit affairs - 607.000 SPS
#11 (1x) betty (live) - 176.000 SPS
#12 (1x) epiphany - 676.000 SPS
#14 (1x) invisible string - 514.000 SPS
#15 (1x) hoax - 629.000 SPS
#18 (1x) the lakes - 318.000 SPS

 Total Era: 18.445.000
0 votos
respondida 8 Out, 2020 por Deleted user (56 pontos)
Sales: 479,000
Weeks: 4
Peak: 1

#1 Betty (210,000)
#2 Cardigans (118,000)
#9 The last great american dinasty (97,000)
0 votos
respondida 8 Out, 2020 por LeoPinnock16 (5,886 pontos)
editado 8 Out, 2020 por LeoPinnock16
folklore by Taylor Swift

Peak: 1 (3x)
Weeks: 10
SPS: 276.000
Pure Sales: 90.400
Certified: 2x Platinum
Streams: 185,6M


2. Cardigan (W: 8 / SPS: 214.800 / P: 112.500 / C: 2x P / S: 69M)
5. Exile (W: 3 / SPS: 106.000 / P: 61.500 / C: P / S: 44M)
6. my tears ricochet (W: 8 / SPS: 207.200 / P: 102.000 / C: 2x P / S: 67,5M)
10. epiphany (W: 2 / SPS: 54.400 / P: 24.000 / C: G / S: 18M)
14. august (W: 2 / SPS: 67.200 / P: 33.000 / C: G / S: 12M)
15. betty (W: 3 / SPS: 84.000 / P: 54.000 / C: G / S: 25M)
17. the last great american dinasty (W: 2 / SPS: 57.200 / P: 30.500 / C: G / S: 18M)
23. illicit affairs (W: 1 / SPS: 18.000 / P: 14.000 / S: 8M)
24. mad woman (W: 1 / SPS: 27.200 / P: 21.000 / S: 8M)
33. invisible string (W: 1 / SPS: 19.600 / P: 13.000 / S: 5,5M)
34. mirrorball (W: 2 / SPS: 23.600 / P: 23.600 / S: 6M)
35. seven (W: 1 / SPS: 17.200 / P: 11.000 / S: 5M)
36. this is me trying (W: 1 / SPS: 16.000 / P: 10.000 / S: 4,5M)

Infelizmente, folklore é a primeira era de Taylor sem #1 nas paradas desde 1989, também teve as primeiras semanas com vendas inferiores a reputation e Lover, porém é 85º album mais vendido até agora (com altas chances de subir ainda mais) e o 5º álbum mais vendido da Taylor (atrás de Reputation, Lover, 1989 e Red).
0 votos
respondida 8 Out, 2020 por mirandafdiego (962 pontos)
Pure Sales: 3,750,000
SPS: 4,080,000 [4x Platina]
Debut: 1,131,000 (#1)
10 semanas (9 semanas em #1)
#1 YEC 2020 (até o momento)

#1 (3x) Cardigan: 3,624,000 [3x Platina]
#1 (1x) The 1: 3,310,000 [3x Platina]
#3 (2x) The Lakes: 2,487,000 [2x Platina]
#3 (1x) Exile: 1,620,000 [Platina]
#3 (1x) Seven: 1,551,000 [Platina]
#4 (1x) August: 1,693,000 [Platina]
#4 (1x) Mirrorball: 1,663,000 [Platina]
#6 (1x) Hoax: 1,662,000 [Platina]
#6 (1x) Betty: 1,387,000 [Platina]
#6 (1x) Epiphany: 1,373,000 [Platina]
#7 (1x) My Tears Ricochet: 1,580,000 [Platina]
#7 (2x) Illicit Affairs: 1,516,000 [Platina]
#8 (1x) Invisible String: 1,431,000 [Platina]
#9 (1x) Mad Woman: 1,468,000 [Platina]
#9 (1x) The Last Great American Dynasty: 1,317,000 [Platina]
#11 (1x) Peace: 1,298,000 [Platina]
#13 (1x) This Is Me Trying: 1,384,000 [Platina]

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