When you listen to nothing for a zero chart week does that make previous week songs go "OUT"??

+4 votos
269 visitas
perguntou 5 Jan, 2021 em Dúvidas por elandieluu (33 pontos)
reclassificado 5 Jan, 2021 por elandieluu
If you had 0 scrobble for a week, does that make previous week's songs have the "OUT" category for that week?

2 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 5 Jan, 2021 por Deleted user (5,259 pontos)
selecionada 5 Jan, 2021 por elandieluu
Melhor resposta
yes, it does. the charts will be updated with no songs in it.
+1 voto
respondida 5 Jan, 2021 por Charl142es (765 pontos)
yes it does. at least from my experience

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