Artist, Albums, and Songs that took the longest to go #1

+5 votos
339 visitas
perguntou 3 Jan, 2021 em Jogos por Charl142es (765 pontos)
editado 20 Jan, 2021 por Charl142es
Artist- Ariana Grande (26 Weeks) [#4 All Time]

Album- Mariah Carey (15 Weeks) [#3 All Time]

Song- I Will Always Love You (10 Weeks) [#1 All Time]

5 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 3 Jan, 2021 por SKYblue18 (5,546 pontos)
Artist: Lady Gaga (32 W) | #1 All Time
Album:  Chromatica (10 W) | #1 All Time
Song: Dynamite (6 W) | #1 All Time
+2 votos
respondida 3 Jan, 2021 por ckbst (684 pontos)
editado 7 Jan, 2021 por ckbst
Artist: Britney Spears reached #1 in her 38th week on the chart | #5 all-time

Album: No.6 Collaborations Project by Ed Sheeran reached #1 in it's 33rd week on the chart | #11 all-time

Song: Perfect by Ed Sheeran reached #1 in it's 40th week on the chart | #4 all-time
+2 votos
respondida 3 Jan, 2021 por Geoffreyyyyy (6 pontos)
Song- Levitating by Dua Lipa (11 weeks) #22 All time
Album- When we all fall asleep, where do we go? By Billie Eilish (13 weeks) #1 all time
Artist- Billie Eilish (7 weeks) #2 all time
+2 votos
respondida 3 Jan, 2021 por Deleted user (1,363 pontos)
Artist: Ariana Grande (#1 for 10w) | #1 all time
Album: Positions, Ariana Grande (#1 for 10w) | #1 all time
Song: Me Gusta, Anitta (#1 for 8w) | #1 all time
+1 voto
respondida 5 Jan, 2021 por Debrellb (75 pontos)
Artist: Miley Cyrus (69 weeks) (#8 all time)
Album: Sweetener (19 weeks) (#33 all time)
Song: Fantasy (14 weeks) (#5 all time)

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