Desempenho da Lana Del Rey

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382 visitas
perguntou 29 Dez, 2020 em Off-Topic por GeovaneN (22,052 pontos)
Como é o desempenho da Rainha Laninha no charts de vcs? Por aqui tá assim por enquanto!

Lana Del Rey
Peak: # 1 12x
PS: 2.504.000
Stream: 3.012.000
Total SPS: 5.516.000


#1 (5x) Born to Die - The Paradise Edition
PS: 614.000
Stream: 1.674.000
Total SPS: 2.228.000
2x platina

#1 (2x) Norman Fucking Rockwell!
PS: 429.000
Stream: 1.110.00
Total SPS: 1.539.000
1x platina

#1 (1x) Honeymoon
PS: 377.000
Stream: 998.000
Toltal SPS: 1.375.000

#2 (5x) Lust for Life
PS: 542.000
Stream: 1.296.000
Total SPS: 1.838.000
1x platina

#5 (2x) Ultraviolence (Deluxe)
PS: 211.000
Stream: 880.000
Total SPS: 1.091.000
1x platina


#1 (2x) Dark Paradise
#1 (1x) Cinnamon Girl
#1 (2x) Salvatore
#1 (2x) 13 Beaches
#1 (1x) Lust for Life (with The Weeknd)
#1 (1x) Summer Bummer (feat. A$AP Rocky & Playboi Carti)
#1 (1x) Young and Beautiful
#2 (1x) Bartender
#2 (1x) Love
#2 (1x) Brooklyn Baby
#3 (1x) Blue Jeans
#3(1x) Religion
#3 (1x) Cherry
#3 (1x) The Next Best American Record
#3 (1x) When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing
#4 (1x) Fuck it I love you
#4 (1x) West Coast
#5 (1x) You'll never walk alone
#5 (1x) Art Deco
#6 (1x) Blue Velvet
#7 (1x) Let Me Love You Like a Woman
#7 (1x) Body Eletric
#7 (1x) Summertime the Gershwin Version
#8 (1x) Doin' Time
#9 (1x) This Is What Makes Us Girls

4 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 19 Jan, 2021 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)

#1 (19x)
PS: 13,041,030
SPS: 16,645,710

#2 (3x)
PS: 2,875,740
SPS: 4,475,540

PS: 1,442,880
SPS: 2,050,880

PS: 866,770
SPS: 1,634,610

PS: 1,402,800
SPS: 2,329,240

#3 (4x)
PS: 1,918,830
SPS: 2,993,470
+1 voto
respondida 19 Jan, 2021 por Vincius02 (1,687 pontos)
Lana Del Rey
Top 50 Artists: Peak #5 (1x)
All-Time Artists: #19
Singles Sales: 3,941,000
Albums Sales: 3,244,000
Total sales SPS: 7,185,000

• Álbuns que entraram no 'Top 50 Albums'
Born to Die - The Paradise Edition
391,000 units | Pk #26¹ | 4 woc

Lust for Life
1,279,000 units | Pk #8¹ | 20 woc

Norman Fucking Rockwell!
1,574,000 units | Pk #5² | 16 woc

• Músicas que entraram no 'Top 50 Songs'

Cherry - Pk #15 | 766,000 sps
Doin' Time - Pk #19 | 591,000 sps
Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pk #25 | 194,000 sps
Love - Pk #26 | 217,000 sps
Let Me Love You Like a Woman - Pk #33 | 325,000 sps
White Mustang - Pk #35 | 298,000 sps
Mariners Apartment Complex - Pk #37 | 487,000 sps
Happiness is a butterfly - Pk #39² | 276,000 sps
Cinnamon Girl - Pk #43 | 113,000 sps
Lust for Life - Pk #44 | 307,000 sps
Blue Jeans - Pk #48 | 367,000 sps
0 votos
respondida 19 Jan, 2021 por Wilwasaa (45,440 pontos)
Lana Del Rey
Peak: #1 6x
Plays: 2.213


#1 Born to Die - The Paradise Edition
PS: 1.240.000
Stream: 2.625.000
Total SPS: 3.865.000
3x platina

#1 (5x) Norman Fucking Rockwell!
PS: 3.490.000
Stream: 6.780.00
Total SPS: 10.270.000
1x diamante

#5 Honeymoon
PS: 850.000
Stream: 2.193.000
Total SPS: 3.043.000
3x platina

#3 (3x) Lust for Life
PS: 2.005.000
Stream: 5.094.000
Total SPS: 7.099.000
7x platina

#1 (2x) Ultraviolence (Deluxe)
PS: 2.835.000
Stream: 5.442.000
Total SPS: 8.277.000
8x platina


#1 Fuck it I love you
#1 Norman Fucking Rockwell
#2 Mariners Apartment Complex
#2 Old Money
#3 Cherry
#4 (2x) Cinnamon Girl
#4  Venice Bitch
#4 Bartender
#4 Black Beauty
#4 13 Beaches
#4 Swan Song
#5 Doin' Time
#5 California
#5 Flipside
#6 Summer Bummer (feat. A$AP Rocky & Playboi Carti)
#7 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it
#7 Pretty When You Cry
#7 The greatest
#8 Sad Girl
#10 Happiness Is A Butterfly
0 votos
respondida 2 Abr, 2023 por Sir_LePaul (553 pontos)
Lana Del Rey
-Plays: 3,165
-Sales: 23.7 million
-Weeks: 68
-Peak:  #1 (14x)

Lana Del Rey Albums:
#1. Born to Die - 4,110,500
#2. BTD - The Paradise Edition - 2,962,100
#3. Ultraviolence (Deluxe) - 1,893,700
#4. Norman Fucking Rockwell! - 1,718,500
#5. Lust for Life - 1,573,800
#6. Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - 805,600
#7. Honeymoon - 725,800
#8. Blue Banisters - 502,500
#9. Chemtrails Over the Country Club - 498,800
*note all albums reached #1 except Honeymoon, Blue Bannisters, and Born to Die, totaling 7.

Lana Del Rey Songs
She has seven #1 songs:
-Summer Bummer*
-Old Money
-Florida Kilos
-Fuck it I love you
-Lust for Life
-Young and Beautiful
*Summer Bummer is her best-selling single song at 1.73 million units sold.

Chart facts of LDR:
-She is the #5 overall best-selling artist in my country. The 3rd best woman.
-She has 19 top-ten songs
-She has 10 top-ten albums ("Young and Beautiful"- single topped the album charts).
-She has more #1 Albums than any other artist (7).
(Even if Y&B-Single is excluded, she still has the most with 6. The next closest is 5).
-She has had two (2) All-Kill weeks: The debuts of "Lust for Life" in 2017 & "Ocean Blvd" in 2023.

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