LANA DEL REY: NFR! desempenho

+13 votos
688 visitas
perguntou 17 Fev, 2020 em Off-Topic por porpinao (66,249 pontos)


"Norman Fucking Rockwell!", Lana Del Rey
peak #1 | weeks 24
2,865,000 (743k pure)
chart-run 2 - 3 - 3 - 5 - 9 - 2 - 5 - 7 - 6 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 11 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 15 - 7 - 4 - 14 - 21

#1. Fuck It I Love You | 25 weeks | 3,7M
#2. Cinnamon Girl | 18 weeks | 2M
#3. The Greatest | 10 weeks | 1,9M
#5. Doin' Time | 21 weeks | 2,5M

#19. Norman Fucking Rockwell! | 2 weeks | 270k
#20. How To Disappear | 9 weeks | 660k
#41. California | 1 week | 60k

6 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 18 Fev, 2020 por Deleted user (2,639 pontos)
selecionada 18 Fev, 2020 por porpinao
Melhor resposta
Aqui se tornou o maior sucesso da Lana em pouco tempo, o álbum debutou em #1, nunca saiu do top20, 13/14 músicas debutaram na hot50, certificado com 1x Diamante e rendeu um single #1 com Doin' Time que já se aproxima de 7 milhões de cópias vendidas
+1 voto
respondida 17 Fev, 2020 por Deleted user (436 pontos)


Norman Fucking Rockwell!

de Lana Del Rey

2.660.000 SPS - 785.000 PS

Peak #2 - 13 weeks


Semanas no:

Top 1Top 5Top 10Top 20

+1 voto
respondida 18 Fev, 2020 por Ed_Silvah (19,805 pontos)

• Peak #2 (2x)

• 18 Weeks

• 2.256.000 SPS (1.136.000 Pure)

• Chart-Run: 43 - 2 - 10 - 2 - 3 - 13 - OUT (4X) - 4 - 36 - 27 - 14 - 16 - 9 - OUT (1X) - 16 - 33 - 34 - 20 - 42 - OUT (1X) - 34

ㅡ Songs

#8. Doin' Time - 583k | 5 Weeks

#12. Venice Bitch - 463k | 5 Weeks

#16. Mariners Apartment Complex - 368k | 3 Weeks

#25. Fuck It I Love You - 247k | 1 Week

#26. How To Disappear - 267k | 3 Weeks

#27. The Next Best American Record - 227k | 2 Weeks

#33. Bartender - 263k | 3 Weeks

#34. California - 262k | 2 Weeks

#35. Cinnamon Girl - 275k | 3 Weeks

#38. Happines Is A Butterfly - 247k | 2 Weeks

#39. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 250k | 3 Weeks

#40. The Greatest - 259k | 3 Weeks

#42. Love Song - 208k | 2 Weeks

+1 voto
respondida 18 Fev, 2020 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)


Pure Sales: 1,489,455
SPS: 2,230,647
peak #3 | weeks 26


#99 Mariners Apartment Complex | 0,2M
#38 Venice Bitch | 0,5M
#3 Doin' Time | 4,9M
#17 Fuck It I Love You | 1,5M
#15 Norman Fucking Rockwell | 1,3M

+1 voto
respondida 18 Fev, 2020 por Hey_Guba (7,457 pontos)
Norman F*****g Rockwell - Lana Del Rey

Peak: #1 (5x) [2° álbum com mais semanas en #1]

WOC: 22

Vendas: 957.000 puras (2.643.000 SPS)
2x Platina


#1 (2x) Mariners Apartment Complex 1.838.000 SPS 1x Platina

#3 Venice Bitch 1.888.000 SPS 1x Platina

#3 Doin' Time 1.057.000 SPS 1x Platina

#3 Fuck It I Love You 488.000 SPS

#5 Norman Fucking Rockwell 456.000 SPS

#6 The Greatest 502.000 SPS 1x Ouro

#7 Bartender 421.000 SPS

#14 Hope Is A Dangerous Thing 337.000 SPS

#15 How To Disappear 259.000 SPS

#18 The Next Best American Record 334.000 SPS

#23 California 133.000 SPS

#29 Happiness Is A Butterfly 128.000 SPS

#36 Cinnamon Girl 114.000 SPS
0 votos
respondida 2 Abr, 2023 por Sir_LePaul (553 pontos)
Norman Fucking Rockwell! by Lana Del Rey

Plays: 311
Sales: 1,718,500
Peak: #1 (2x)

"Fuck it i love you" = #1
"Norman Fucking Rockwell" = #2
"Doin Time" = #4
"Cinnamon Girl" = #7
"Mariners Apartment Complex" = #8

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