1. 7 rings, 7.7M pure / 12.4M units / 3x diamond / #1 for 15 weeks / best selling song of all time
2. bloodline, 2M pure / 4.3M units / 4x platinum
3. ghostin, 1.5M pure / 3.4M units / 3x platinum
4. in my head, 1.5M pure / 3.4M units / 3x platinum
5. NASA, 1.4M pure / 3.1M units / 3x platinum
6. break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored, 1.3M pure / 3.2M units / 3x platinum
7. imagine, 1.2M pure / 3.2M units / 3x platinum / #1 for 2 weeks
8. thank u, next, 1.2M pure / 2.8M units / 2x platinum / #1 for 1 week
9. bad idea, 1M pure / 2.9M units / 2x platinum
10. fake smile, 1M pure / 2.6M units / 2x platinum
11. make up, 1M pure / 2.7M units / 2x platinum
12. needy, 790k pure / 1.9M units / 1x platinum
thank u, next: 9.735.000 pure / 13.869.000 units / #1 for 16 weeks / 4x diamond / best selling album of all time
Total Era Units: 72.807.000 million units / biggest selling music era of all time