"thank u, next" track performance.

+15 votos
353 visitas
perguntou 2 Abr, 2019 em Charts por demyxo (2,829 pontos)

#1. (2x) Imagine, 1.914.000 (Platinum)

#8. (1x) Needy, 774.000 (Gold)

#3. (1x) NASA, 1.444.000 (Platinum)

#2. (4x) Bloodline, 1.894.000 (Platinum)

#6. (1x) Fake Smile, 1.178.000 (Platinum)

#8. (1x) Bad Idea, 856.000 (Gold)

#8. (1x) Make Up, 578.000 (Gold

#2. (1x) Ghostin, 1.688.000 (Gold)

#4. (2x) In My Head, 1.546.000 (Platinum)

#1. (8x) 7 Rings, 4.726.000 (4x Platinum)

#1. (1x) Thank U Next, 2.010.000 (2x Platinum)

#3. (2x) Break Up, 1.194.000 (Platinum)

5 Respostas

+3 votos
respondida 2 Abr, 2019 por Deleted user (4,532 pontos)

1. imagine [Peak #1 (2x)] - 3x Platinum

2. needy  [Peak #1 (1x)] - 1x Platinum

3. NASA [Peak #1 (1x)] - 1x Platinum

4. bloodline [Peak #8 (1x)] - none

5. fake smile [Peak #2 (1x)] - Gold

6. bad idea [Peak #5 (1x)] -  Gold

7. make up [Peak #11 (1x)] - none

8. ghostin [Peak #10 (1x)] - none

9. in my head [Peak #17 (1x)] - none

10. 7 Rings [Peak #1 (2x)] - 2x Platinum

11. thank u, next [Peak #1 (6x)] - 5x Platinum

12. break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored [Peak #16 (1x)]  - none

Imagem relacionada

+4 votos
respondida 2 Abr, 2019 por imtysonantonio (2,300 pontos)

1. Imagine | Peak #1 (2x) | SPS: 2.816.000 | 2x 

2. Needy | Peak #3 (1x) | SPS: 1.987.000 | 1x 

3. NASA | Peak #6 (1x) | SPS: 1.406.000 | 1x 

4. Bloodline | Peak #2 (1x) | SPS: 1.769.000 | 1x 

5. Fake Smile | Peak #12 (1x) | SPS: 781k | 

6. Bad Ideia | Peak #13 (1x) | SPS: 649k | 

7. Make Up | Peak #15 (1x) | SPS: 812k | 

8. Ghostin | Peak #19 (1x) | SPS: 516k | 

9. In My Head | Peak #10 (1x) | SPS: 1.232.000 | 1x 

10. 7 Rings | Peak #1 (6x) | SPS: 4.469.000 | 4x 

11. Thank U, Next | Peak #1 (2x) | SPS: 5.020.000 | 5x 

12. Break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored | Peak #2 (2x) | SPS: 2.459.000 | 2x 

+2 votos
respondida 3 Abr, 2019 por Deleted user (3,002 pontos)

#16. imagine | 280.000

#5. needy | 842.000

#30.  NASA | 184.000

#13. bloodline | 554.000

#6. fake smile | 896.000

#12. bad idea | 320.000

#32. make up | 146.000

#11. ghostin | 630.000

#17. in my head | 710.000

#4. 7 rings | 1.332.000

#5. thank u, next | 2.200.000

#4. break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored | 836.000

+1 voto
respondida 6 Abr, 2019 por Wilwasaa (45,440 pontos)

#3Imagine, 1.330.000 (Platinum)

#2. Needy, 1.010.000 (Platinum)

#4. NASA, 1.080.000 (Platinum)

#1Bloodline, 1.484.000 (Platinum)

#9. (2x) Fake Smile, 620.000 (Gold)

#6. (3x) Bad Idea, 1.000.000 (Platinum)

#10. Make Up, 500.000 (Gold

#12. (2x) Ghostin, 500.000 (Gold)

#3. In My Head, 1.000.000 (Platinum)

#1. (3x) 7 Rings, 2.000.000 (2x Platinum)

#1. (3x) Thank U Next, 2.570.000 (2x Platinum)

#2. (2x) Break Up, 1.472.000 (Platinum)

0 votos
respondida 29 Mai, 2019 por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)
editado 1 Jun, 2019 por forstavinski

#1. (3x) Imagine, 2,387,000 (2x Platinum)

#3. (1x) Needy, 1,599,000 (Platinum)

#1. (1x) NASA, 1,737,000 (Platinum)

#1. (2x) Bloodline, 1,824,000 (Platinum)

#1. (1x) Fake Smile, 1,665,000 (Platinum)

#1. (2x) Bad Idea, 1,737,000 (Platinum)

#3. (1x) Make Up, 1,554,000 (Platinum

#6. (1x) Ghostin, 1,507,000 (Platinum)

#4. (2x) In My Head, 1,528,000 (Platinum)

#1. (5x) 7 Rings, 2,708,000 (2x Platinum)

#1. (3x) Thank U Next, 3,832,000 (3x Platinum)

#1. (5x) Break Up, 1,968,000 (Platinum)

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