thank u, next vs imagine (Predictions)

+18 votos
354 visitas
perguntou 15 Dez, 2018 em Charts por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)

Ariana Grande just released "imagine" from her upcoming album. 

Here's imagine vs thank u, next performance:

First Day Pure Sales Debut:

imagine: 24,792 Copies

thank u, next: 53,716 Copies (Biggest first day Debut)

2nd Day Pure Sales:

imagine: 30,000 Copies (predictions)

thank u, next: 70,244 Copies (Biggest one day sale)

Debut Week in Pure Sales:

imagine: 100,000 Copies (predictions)

thank u, next: 235,524 Copies (Biggest debut week, Biggest selling week ever)

What's yours? How both song did on your chart? Which one is doing better?

2 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 15 Dez, 2018 por Deleted user (24,305 pontos)

Debut Week in Pure Sales: 20.000

Debut Week in Pure Sales: 200.000 (predictions)

I saw that you do not listen to Brazilian music, do not you like to listen? If you like I can even recommend some songs.

comentou 15 Dez, 2018 por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)
im not from Brazil...
comentou 15 Dez, 2018 por Deleted user (24,305 pontos)
I know, but the majority of the forum team is Brazilian, so I asked if you ever thought about listening to Brazilian music?
+2 votos
respondida 15 Dez, 2018 por lucasmd14 (31,930 pontos)

Imagine sold 40k pure in 2 days, and might debut at #15, if the prediction of 95k pure is correct.

thank u, next sold more than 80k pure in 2 days, and debuted at #4 with 170k pure and more than 220k SPS

It's a flop 2° single, especially considering that God Is A Woman is the 9° best selling single of all time, and Into You is the 29° best, even tho I already overplayed the song in 2016, and I created this account in 2018

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