Taylor Swift reputation era

+13 votos
514 visitas
perguntou 22 Mar, 2019 em Charts por Shadowandluck (248 pontos)
editado 23 Mar, 2019 por Shadowandluck




-Sales(SPS): 5.300.000 

-Certification: 5x platinum



1-Look What You Made Me Do

 Peak: #2 (2x)

 Sales: 3.250.000

 Certification: 3x platinum

2-...Ready For It?

Peak: #1 

Sales: 2.125.000

Certification: 2x platinum


 Peak: #6 

 Sales: 1.950.000

 Certification: platinum

4-Call It What You Want

 Peak: #9

 Sales: 1.250.000

 Certification: platinum

5-End Game

 Peak: #10

 Sales: 1.525.000

 Certification: platinum


 Peak: #1 (5x)

 Sales: 4.500.000

 Certification: 4x Platinum



Biggest peak: #1 (2x) (I did Something Bad)

Biggest certification: 3x platinum (I Did Something Bad) 

Total certifications: 9x platinum 3x gold

Sales: 13.800.000


TOTAL ERA SALES: 33.725.000

Era certification: 3x platinum

7 Respostas

+6 votos
respondida 22 Mar, 2019 por Deleted user (535 pontos)

TAYLOR SWIFT, Reputation
Peak: #1 for 3 weeks | 40 WOC
3,265,500 in pure
7,000,000 SPS


#1. Look What You Made Me Do | PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina
#2. ...Ready For It? | PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina
#28. Gorgeous | Ouro
#23. Call It What You Want | Ouro
#3. End Game (feat. Ed & Future) | PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina
#3. Delicate | PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina


Sales: 6,729,500


TOTAL ERA SALES: 38,928,600

+5 votos
respondida 22 Mar, 2019 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
editado 22 Mar, 2019 por porpinao

REPUTATION, Taylor Swift
peak #1 for 5 weeks | 63 WOC
9,071,000 SPS (1.3M pure)


#6. Look What You Made Me Do | PlatinaPlatina
#1. ...Ready For It? | PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina
#3. Gorgeous | PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina
#3. Call It What You Want | Platina
#4. End Game (feat. Ed & Future) | gold
#1. Delicate | PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina

+4 votos
respondida 22 Mar, 2019 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)


reputation by Taylor Swift

Pure Sales: 3,885,000 | SPS: 5,939,000
Peak: #1 | Weeks: 71


Imagem relacionada [1st] Look What You Made Me Do | Peak: #1| 4,766,000 PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina
Resultado de imagem para taylor swift ready for it [2nd] ...Ready For It? | Peak: #4| 4,076,000 PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina
Resultado de imagem para taylor swift gorgeous single [Promo] Gorgeous | Peak: #2 | 1,668,000 Platina
Resultado de imagem para taylor swift end game [3th] End Game | Peak: #1 | 5,168,000 PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina
Resultado de imagem para taylor swift delicate single [4th] Delicate | Peak: #1 | 3,860,000 PlatinaPlatinaPlatina
Resultado de imagem para taylor swift getaway car single [5th] Getaway Car | Peak: #7 | 1,944,000 Platina


Don't Blame Me | Peak: #16 | 590,000 Ouro
I Did It Something Bad | Peak: #7 | 356,000
New Year's Day | Peak: #40 | 138,000
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things | Peak: #43 | 116,000
Call It What You Want | Peak: -- | 80,500

+4 votos
respondida 22 Mar, 2019 por lucasmd14 (31,930 pontos)
Eu já tinha feito um tópico com os feitos dela aqui. É a maior era do meu chart

+4 votos
respondida 22 Mar, 2019 por GabsGermanotta (46,262 pontos)

#1 13x
58 semanas

#1 Songs

#1 Look What You Made Me Do (7x)
#1 Dancing With Our Hands Tied (4x)
#1 ...Ready For It?
(Depois eu continuo pq o site simplesmente bugou e nao quer mostrar mais nada da biblioteca ???)
+2 votos
respondida 23 Mar, 2019 por Wilwasaa (45,440 pontos)

REPUTATION, Taylor Swift
peak #1 for 6 weeks | 49 WOC
11,382,000 SPS (7.56M pure)


#3. Look What You Made Me Do | PlatinaPlatina
#1. ...Ready For It? | PlatinaPlatinaPlatina
#25. Gorgeous | -
#3. Call It What You Want | PlatinaPlatina
#1. End Game (feat. Ed & Future) | PlatinaPlatinaPlatina
#9. Delicate | Platina

+1 voto
respondida 24 Mar, 2019 por marcuswco (20,797 pontos)


Peak: #1 (22x)

Weeks: 70

Pure Sales: 873.000

SPS: 7.503.000

SongPeakPure SalesSPSWeeks
King Of My Heart#2112.0003.666.00036
Don't Blame Me#1102.0003.298.00034
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things#378.0002.452.00025
...Ready For It?#195.0002.180.00017
End Game#448.0001.424.00014
Call It What You Want#267.0001.560.00012
Getaway Car#244.000882.0007
I Did Something Bad#831.000650.0006
Look What You Made Me Do#349.000750.0003
Dancing With Our Hands Tied#328.000514.0005
So It Goes...#1229.000454.0003

New Year's Day: OUT

É o álbum mais bem sucedido dos meus charts. 

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