TAYLOR SWIFT: 5 anos do 'reputation'

+4 votos
541 visitas
perguntou 10 Nov, 2022 em Charts por Ed_Silvah (19,805 pontos)
reputation by Taylor Swift

Peak: #1 | 4x
WoC: 184
Plays: 3.813
Sales SPS: 14.613.000 | Pure: 3.813.000


#4 Look What You Made Me Do | 4.613.000
#6 Delicate | 1.152.000
#7 ...Ready For It? | 1.406.000
#16 End Game | 1.799.000


#1 I Did Something Bad | 1.280.000
#2 This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things | 1.099.000
#5 So It Goes... | 1.146.000
#12 Don't Blame Me | 878.000
#12 Dancing With Our Hands Tied | 781.000
#27 Gourgeous | 699.000
#27 King Of My Heart | 637.000
#31 Call It What You Want | 617.000
#35 Dress | 661.000
#36 Getaway Car | 828.000
#48 New Year's Day | 222.000

5 Respostas

+3 votos
respondida 10 Nov, 2022 por igovc_ (257 pontos)
editado 1 Fev, 2023 por igovc_

Peak: #1 for 3 weeks
WoC: 63
Sales: 5.417.000


#3. Delicate
#3. Look What You Made Me Do
#7. ...Ready for It?
#27 End Game


#1 (2 weeks). Don't Blame Me
#1. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
#2. Gorgeous
#8. I Did Something Bad
#10. Call It What You Want
#16. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
#18 Getaway Car
#22. King Of My Heart
#26. Dress
#30 New Year's Day
#31. So It Goes...
+2 votos
respondida 10 Nov, 2022 por edvstheworld (3,616 pontos)
reputation by Taylor Swift
Peak: #2
WoC: 30
Sales: 3,179,300


#10. King of My Heart | 813,000
#11. So It Goes... | 318,000
#15. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things | 333,000
#20. Dancing with Our Hands Tied | 354,000
#35. ...Ready for it? | 126,000
#36. Don't Blame Me | 345,000
#37. End Game | 114,000
#38. Dress | 318,000
#38. Getaway Car | 159,000
#39. Look What You Made Me Do | 99,000
+1 voto
respondida 10 Nov, 2022 por Daninopll (5,395 pontos)
"reputation" by Taylor Swift turning 5 years

Sales: 2.954.000 (Her 3rd best-selling album)
Plays: 671 (Her 2nd most played album)
Weeks On Chart: 24
Peak: #1 (x2)


...Ready For It? - peak #28 [338.000]
End Game - peak #30 [338.000]
I Did Something Bad - peak #31 [342.000]
Don't Blame Me - peak #29 [387.000]
Delicate - peak #28 [368.000]
Look What You Made Me Do - peak #37 [337.000]
So It Goes... - peak #39 [252.000]
Gorgeous - peak #40 [204.000]
Getaway Car - peak #34 [267.000]
King Of My Heart - peak #36 [251.000]
Dancing With Our Hands Tied - peak #30 [292.000]
Dress - peak #41 [204.000]
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - peak #42 [208.000]
Call It What You Want - peak #29 [250.000]
New Year's Day - peak #38 [243.000]

Total Sales SPS = 7.235.000
+1 voto
respondida 10 Nov, 2022 por uwanna46ck (207 pontos)
reputation by Taylor Swift
Peak: #2
WoC: 21
Sales:  9.783.190


#3 King of My Heart | 1,520,000
#3 Don't Blame Me | 1,750,000
#4 Gorgeous | 2,050,000
#6 Delicate | 2,770,000
#8 End Game | 3,320,00
#10 TIWWCHNT | 2,760,000
#17 Ready for It? | 3,570,000

Non-Charted Tracks:
Getaway Car | 30,000
+1 voto
respondida 12 Nov, 2022 por tieskay (137 pontos)
reputation by Taylor Swift

Woc: 125 weeks
Peak: #1 for 8 weeks
Plays: 1088 #3 of all-time
SPS: 9.930.200


#1 ...Ready for It? - 2.378.000 (15 woc)
#2 Delicate - 5.274.000 SPS (32 woc)
#4 Look What You Made Me Do - 1.016.000 SPS (7 woc)
#9. End Game - 1.832.000 (12 woc)


#2. Dancing With Our Hands Tied - 4.894.000 (32 woc)
#2. New Year's Day - 988.000 (4 woc)
#3. Dress - 3.334.000 (23 woc)
#5. So it Goes... - 1.968.000 (12 woc)
#7. Don't Blame Me - 3.794.000 (24 woc)
#8 This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - 394.000 (2 woc)
#10. I Did Something Bad - 1.904.000 (12 woc)
#11.Call It What You Want - 1.042.000 (8 woc)
#11. King of My Heart - 1.002.000 (5 woc)
#14. Getaway Car - 1.402.000 (9 woc)
#17. Gorgeous - 826.000 (5 woc)

Total Sales = 41.970.200 SPS

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