GAME: Classifique as músicas do reputation da pior para a melhor

+26 votos
672 visitas
perguntou 15 Mai, 2018 em Jogos por sirMath3 (6,539 pontos)



15. Dress
14. New Year’s Day
13. Gorgeous
12. Getaway Car
11. King Of My Heart
10. End Game
9. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
8. So It Goes...
7. ...Ready For It?
6. I Did Something Bad
5. This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
4. Call It What You Call
3. Delicate
2. Look What You Made Me Do
1. Don’t Blame Me

16 Respostas

+10 votos
respondida 15 Mai, 2018 por Deleted user (33,061 pontos)
15. Dress

14. King of My Heart

13. New Years Day

12. So It Goes...

11. Look What You Made Me Do

10. Gorgeous

9. I Did Something Bad

8. This Why Have Can't Nice Things

7. ...Ready For It?

6. Delicate

5. Call It What You Want

4. Dance with Our Hands Tied

3. Don't Blame Me

2. End Game

1. Getaway Car
+10 votos
respondida 15 Mai, 2018 por Luiz-Filipe (22,060 pontos)
15. Dress
14. Delicate
13. Getaway Car
12. I Did Something Bad
11. New Year's Day
10. So It Goes...
9. Gorgeous
8. End Game
7. Call It What You Call
6. Look What You Made Me Do
5. King Of My Heart
4. This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
3. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
2. Don't Blame Me
1. ...Ready For It?
+9 votos
respondida 15 Mai, 2018 por swmeoldmars (53,230 pontos)
15. dress
14. new years day
13. gorgeous
12. delicate
11. king of my heart
10. ...ready for it?
9. this is why we can't have nice things
8. end game
7. so it goes...
6. getaway car
5. look what you made me do
4. call it what you want
3. i did something bad
2. dancing with our hands tied
1. don't blame me
a lista mais difícil de fazer, acho esse álbum simplesmente perfeito e minhas favs tão mudando sempre de posições entre 1 - 12, pop perfection de verdade
+10 votos
respondida 15 Mai, 2018 por LucGab95 (56,820 pontos)

15. Gorgeous
14. Dress
11. New Years Day
10. This Is Why We Can't Have NIce Things

9. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
8. So It Goes...
7. End Game
6. ...Ready For It?
5. Call It What You Want
4. Delicate
3. Look What You Made Me Do
2. Don't Blame Me
1. I Did Something Bad

Imagem relacionada

+8 votos
respondida 15 Mai, 2018 por Deleted user (61,568 pontos)

15. End Game

14. King Of My Heart

13. Gorgeous

12. New Year's Day

11. So It Goes...

10. Dress

9. Dancing With Our Hands Tied

8. Call It What You Want

7. ...Ready For It?

6. Look What You Made Me Do

5. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

4. Don't Blame Me

3. I Did Something Bad

2. Getaway Car

1. Delicate

+10 votos
respondida 15 Mai, 2018 por wereinlove (94,271 pontos)


mas a melhor é delicate

já a pior não sei decidir entre rfi ou tiwychnt


+8 votos
respondida 15 Mai, 2018 por HeyWedding (11,227 pontos)

Queria, mas infelizmente não escuto quase nunca Dress, King Of My Heart e New Years Day, então vou deixá-los de fora

  6. SO IT GOES...
  10. END GAME
  11. ...READY FOR IT?

Cores meramente ilustrativas

+7 votos
respondida 16 Mai, 2018 por carloshennrique (57,430 pontos)
15. Dress

14. Look What You Made Me Do

13. End Game

12. Gorgeous

11. King Of My Heart

10. ...Ready For It?

9. So It Goes...

8. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

7. Delicate

6. Call it What You Want

5. Getaway Car

4. Dancing With Our Hands Tied

3. New Year's Day

2. I Did Something Bad

1. Don't Blame Me
+7 votos
respondida 16 Mai, 2018 por Deleted user (26,948 pontos)
15. Gorgeous
14. New Year's Day
13. End Game
12. Call It What You Want
11. Dress
10. Delicate
9. ...Ready For It?
8. So It Goes...
7. Look What You Made Me Do
6. Getaway Car
5. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
4. King of my Heart
3. Dont Blame Me
2. This Is Why We Cant Have Nice Things
1. I Did Something Bad
+6 votos
respondida 16 Mai, 2018 por lucas_mblock (59,525 pontos)

15. New Year's Day
14. So It Goes...
13. Call It What You Want
12. This Why Have Can't Nice Things
11. Gorgeous
10. End Game
9. King of My Heart
8. Dance with Our Hands Tied
7. Dress
6. Getaway Car
5. I Did Something Bad
4. Don't Blame Me
3.  ...Ready For It?
2. Look What You Made Me Do
1. Delicate

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