THOMASLAND HOT 20: #1 NTLTC (3X) #2 Delicate #9 Chun-Li #12 Youth #14 Rebola

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147 visitas
perguntou 6 Mai, 2018 em Off-Topic por thomaswheeler13 (15,015 pontos)

THOMASLAND HOT 20 - 05/05/18

1 Ariana Grande - No Tears Left To Cry (=) [3x] P:#1

2 Taylor Swift - Delicate (+7) [NEW PEAK] P: #2

3 Shawn Mendes - In My Blood (+3) P: #2

4 Dua Lipa - One Kiss (-2) P: #1

5  Zayn - Let Me (+2) P: #2

6 Camila Cabello - Never Be The Same (+6) P: #2

7 The Weeknd - Call Out My Name (-4) P: #3

8 Sia - Flames (-4) P: #4

9 Nicki Minaj - Chun-Li (NEW) P: #9

10 Dua Lipa - IDGAF (-2) P: #1 (2x)

11 Cardi B - I Like It (-5) P: #6

12 Shawn Mendes - Youth (NEW) P: #12

13 IZA - Ginga (+2) P: #1

14 IZA - Rebola (NEW) P: #14

15 Alessandro Vilas Boas - Ser Mudado (NEW) P: #15

16 Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (NEW) P: #16

17 Anitta - Downtown (RE) P: #1 (3x)

18 Anitta - Indecente (-2) P: #1

19 Sugarland - Babe (-8) P: #11

20 IZA - Bateu (NEW) P: #20


Ariana pode bater o recorde de Harry Styles se continuar no #1 na próxima semana;

IDGAF recebeu 6x Platina;

No Tears Left To Cry recebeu sua primeira platina.

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