Semanas no top 10 133
Pico 1 (12x)
Vendas (Plays + Points x 1000 ) 14.170.000
Certificação 1x + 2x
Born This Way
Semanas no chart: 16
PEAK: #1 (1x)
4,016,000 SPS
The Cure #11.170.000 pure sales 2.870.000 SPS
Pure: 137,000
SPS: 699,000
Peak: 1 (2x)
CHART-RUN: 5 - 7 - 2 - 1 - 1 9
Lady Gaga - Marry The Night
Semanas no Top 10: 91
Pico: #1 (37x)
Vendas (Plays + points x 2500): 34.532.500
Certificação: 3x Diamante + 4x Platina
Dancin' In Circles SPS: 5,440,000Peak: #2
Million Reasons
752.000 #3 (2x)
19,461 perguntas
103,294 respostas
26,072 comentários
2,413 usuários