Paramore: After Laughter era

+26 votos
1,162 visitas
perguntou 15 Nov, 2017 em Jogos por GabsGermanotta (46,262 pontos)
editado 19 Abr, 2018 por GabsGermanotta

Pure Sales: 1,188,000
Streams: 2,344,000
SPS: 3,532,000
Peak: #1 (5x)
Weeks: 26


2,332,000 SPS
Peak: #2 (2x)

1,870,000 SPS
Peak: #3

Fake Happy

2,192,000 SPS
Peak: #1

Rose-Colored Boy

Peak: #3


#1 (2x) Pool - 2,361,000
#2 (2x) 26 - 2,028,000
#2 Caight In The Middle - 1,802,000
#3 (2x) Forgiveness - 2,198,000
#4 Grudges - 1,806,000
#6 Idle Worship - 1,804,000
#7 No Friend - 1,440,000
#10 Tell Me How - 1,272,000

Total Era: 26,601,000

e no seu chart?

11 Respostas

+8 votos
respondida 15 Nov, 2017 por DiogoBalk7 (56,244 pontos)

PS: 12.000
SPS: 12.000
Weeks: N/C
Peak: N/C


1.000 N/C

0.000 N/C

0.000 N/C

Infelizmente uma era bem flopada

+8 votos
respondida 15 Nov, 2017 por felipefagundex (3,273 pontos)

Felizmente hinário! Ocupa a décima posição no all time dos álbuns mais vendidos e emplacou dois smash hits! 

Pure Sales: 636.000


SPS: 1.600.000

Peak: #1 (2x)

Pure Sales: 2.350.000


SPS: 3.200.000

Peak: #1 (3x)

Pure Sales: 2.400.000


SPS: 3.500.000

Peak: #1 (4x)

Outras entradas:

#8 Caught in the Middle: 675.000 SPS | Platina

#14 Rose-Colored Boy: 760.000 SPS | Platina

comentou 15 Nov, 2017 por GabsGermanotta (46,262 pontos)
hitou todo
+8 votos
respondida 16 Nov, 2017 por Deleted user (6,294 pontos)
Flop total aqui
+8 votos
respondida 16 Nov, 2017 por yanvargas (10,711 pontos)
Acho que ele ainda vai hitar mas por enquanto ta no limbo

After laughter
Weeks - 3
Peak - #4 (1x)
SPS - 393.000

Rose-Colored Boy foi a única a entrar no charts por enquanto

Rose-Colored Boy
Weeks - 5
Peak - #6 (1x)
SPS - 449.000
+6 votos
respondida 16 Nov, 2017 por marcuswco (20,797 pontos)

SPS: 428.000

Peak: #6

Weeks: 6

Aqui só Hard Times charteou


SPS: 708.000

Peak: #1 (2x)

Weeks: 9

Certification: Gold

+6 votos
respondida 16 Nov, 2017 por heartgears (76 pontos)

Peak: #1 (4x)

All-Time Chart: #8

Certification: 4x Platinum

#1 Hard Times (11x Platinum)

- #10 All Time

#1 Told You So (6x Platinum)

#1 Pool (4x Platinum)

#3 Rose-Colored Boy (4x Platinum)

#7 Fake Happy (1x Platinum)

+3 votos
respondida 19 Abr, 2018 por estevancomn (15,657 pontos)


1.247.000 SPS / PEAK: #1


Hard Times: #6 - Ouro
Told You So: #11
Fake Happy: #4
Rose-Colored Boy: #3 - Ouro

+3 votos
respondida 19 Abr, 2018 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)

image After Laughter

 Pure Sales: 116.000
 SPS: 1.422.000
 Peak: #6
 Weeks: 20

Pure SalesSPSPeakWeeksCerti.
Hard Times360.000784.000#139Platina
Told You SO80.000110.000#382
Fake Happy130.000190.000#252
Rose-Colored Boy510.0001.072.000#310Platina

+4 votos
respondida 19 Abr, 2018 por Deleted user (48,344 pontos)


Pure Sales: 2.158.000
SPS: 10.407.000
Peak: #1 (4x)
Weeks: 23

1x Diamante + 3x Platina

Hard Times

Pure Sales: 1.098.000
SPS: 2.833.000
Peak: #2
Weeks: 16

5x Platina

Fake Happy

Pure Sales: 934.000
SPS: 996.000
Peak: #3
Weeks: 17

1x Platina

Rose-Colored Boy

Pure Sales: 354.000
SPS: 382.000
Peak: #1
Weeks: 6


Não Singles

#1 Caught In The Middle - SPS: 3.060.000 -  6x Platina

#3 Grudges - SPS: 565.000 - 1Platina

#6 26 - SPS: 194.000

#7 Idle Worship - SPS: 2.355.000 - 4x Platina

#10 Pool - SPS: 353.000 - Ouro

#11 Tell Me How - SPS: 1.992.000 - 3x Platina

#16 Told You So - SPS: 1.692.000 - 3x Platina

#31 Forgiveness - SPS: 64.000

Total: 24.893.000

+3 votos
respondida 19 Abr, 2018 por LeoPinnock16 (5,886 pontos)

Paramore - After Laughter

Peak: #1

Weeks: 10

SPS: 2.738.000

Pure Sales: 2.316.000


#2 Hard Times (SPS: 2.085.000 | PS: 1.760.000)

#10 Fake Happy (SPS: 500.000 | PS: 410.000)

#11 Rose-Colored Boy (SPS: 415.000 | PS: 244.000)

#11 Caught In The Middle (SPS: 362.500 | PS: 215.000)

#13 26 (SPS: 448.000 | PS: 400.000)

#24 Forgiveness (SPS: 235.500 | PS: 195.000)

#35 Told You So (SPS: 420.000 | PS: 230.000)

#50 Idle Worship (SPS: 45.000 | PS: 30.000)

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