Monthly charts

+20 votos
172 visitas
perguntou 1 Nov, 2017 em Sugestões por Connacht_89 (74 pontos)
I really like weekly charts. What about adding also monthly charts? Maybe even seasonal charts too...

2 Respostas

+4 votos
respondida 1 Nov, 2017 por gabrielflorin01 (20,648 pontos)
You have your own monthly charts at*your account name*/library/tracks?date_preset=LAST_30_DAYS
comentou 2 Nov, 2017 por Connacht_89 (74 pontos)
not actually, as I can't automatically generate funny statistics like "how much times this artist was in top 10" or "monthly all-kill".
0 votos
respondida 2 Nov, 2017 por Deleted user (7,290 pontos)
I like that

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