Anniversary of "Revelación"

+4 votos
192 visitas
perguntou 14 Mar, 2023 em Charts por Daninopll (5,395 pontos)
"Revelación - EP" by Selena Gomez turning 2 years

*Sales: 4.186.000 (Her 2nd Best-Selling Album)
*Plays: 730 (Her 2nd Most Played Album)
*Weeks On Chart: 52
*Peak: #1 (2x)

*the album + Baila Conmigo (Single Album)


De Una Vez - #35 [514.000]
Buscando Amor - #39 [421.000]
Baila Conmigo (with Rauw Alejandro) - #1 (5x) [2.339.000]
Dámelo To' (feat. Myke Towers) - #39 [464.000]
Vicio - #36 [495.000]
Adiós - #32 [518.000]
Selfish Love (with Selena Gomez) - #15 [646.000]

Total Sales SPS = 9.583.000

3 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 14 Mar, 2023 por gabrielbt_ (13,622 pontos)
selecionada 14 Mar, 2023 por Daninopll
Melhor resposta
• Revelación
PEAK #4 — 1 WEEK
140.000 SPS

• Songs:

#1. De Una Vez — 3 WEEKS
1.112.000 SPS

#3. Baila Conmigo (ft. Rauw Alejandro) — 4 WEEKS
660.000 SPS

• Albums Singles
#2. De Una Vez — 2 WEEKS — 294.000 SPS
#3. Baila Conmigo — 3 WEEKS — 296.000 SPS
+1 voto
respondida 14 Mar, 2023 por gabr13lferreira (1,400 pontos)
Sales: 2,907,156
Weeks On Chart: 19
Peak: #1
Streams: 904.1M


#1. De Una Vez - 1,222,428 (biggest single debut at the time)
#1. Baila Conmigo (with Rauw Alejandro) - 1,626,664
#7. Dámelo To' (feat. Myke Towers) - 315,130
#10. Selfish Love (with Selena Gomez) - 460,220
#13. Buscando Amor - 378,172
#13. Adiós - 273,122
#14. Vicio - 288,112

Total Sales SPS = 4,563,848
+1 voto
respondida 14 Mar, 2023 por cowboylikepeu (1,098 pontos)
#1 2x
22 woc

#1 De Una Vez - Single Album (984,000) [7 woc]
#5 Baila Conmigo (with Rauw Alejandro) - Single Album (488,000) [5 woc]

• Tracks
#1 (2x) De Una Vez - 6,896,000
#1 (2x) Selfish Love (with Selena Gomez) - 4,490,000
#1 (2x) Baila Conmigo (with Rauw Alejandro) - 4,406,000
#1 Adiós - 2,434,000
#3 Buscando Amor - 2,558,000
#3 Vicio - 2,228,000
#4 (2x) Dámelo To’ (feat. Myke Towers) - 2,804,000

Total tracks - 25,816,000
Total era - 30,078,000

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