Anniversary of "19"

+3 votos
298 visitas
perguntou 29 Jan, 2023 em Charts por Daninopll (5,395 pontos)
"19" by Adele turning 15 years

Sales: 1.562.000 (Her 3rd Best-selling Album)
Plays: 296 (Her 3rd Most Played Album)
Weeks On Chart: 21
Peak: #1


Daydreamer - peak #40 [122.000]
Best For Last - peak #36 [120.000]
Chasing Pavements - peak #6 [948.000]
Cold Shoulder - peak #38 [116.000]
Crazy For You - peak #39 [114.000]
Melt My Heart To Stone - peak #44 [104.000]
First Love - peak #41 [110.000]
Right As Rain - peak #46 [100.000]
Make You Feel My Love - peak #43 [106.000]
My Same - peak #45 [102.000]
Tired - peak #47 [98.000]
Hometown Glory - peak #42 [118.000]

Total Sales SPS = 3.720.000

4 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 1 Fev, 2023 por cowboylikepeu (1,098 pontos)
selecionada 1 Fev, 2023 por Daninopll
Melhor resposta

#1 3x
17 woc
524,000 pure sales
2,142,000 sps

#1³ˣ Melt My Heart to Stone - 2,356,000
#2 Chasing Pavements - 2,842,000
#2 First Love - 2,110,000
#2 Best for Last - 1,970,000
#2 Crazy for You - 2,144,000
#4 Cold Shoulder - 2,244,000
#4 Make You Feel My Love - 1,644,000
#4 Daydreamer - 1,732,000
#5²ˣ Right as Rain - 1,710,000
#6 My Same - 1,340,000
#10 Tired - 1,172,000
#11 Hometown Glory - 1,028,000
#34 Chasing Pavements (Live At Hotel Cafe) - 112,000
#35 Make You Feel My Love (Live At Hotel Cafe) - 106,000
#43 Many Shades Of Black - 68,000
+1 voto
respondida 7 Fev, 2023 por Legacieschannel (25 pontos)
Sales: 976.000 (Her 4th Best-selling Album)
Plays: 113 (Her 4th Most Played Album)
Weeks On Chart: 16
Peak: #1


Daydreamer - peak #9 [262.000]
Best For Last - peak #15 [238.000]
Chasing Pavements - peak #6 [494.000]
Cold Shoulder - peak #7 [183.000]
Crazy For You - peak #8 [178.000]
Melt My Heart To Stone - peak #11 [166.000]
First Love - peak #16 [145.000]
Right As Rain - peak #12 [316.000]
Make You Feel My Love - peak #5 [488.000]
My Same - peak #18 [137.000]
Tired - peak #19 [230.000]
Hometown Glory - peak #17 [424.000]
+1 voto
respondida 28 Fev, 2023 por Sir_LePaul (553 pontos)
"19" by Adele is the artist's best-selling album in The Dovelands with sales of over 1 million.
The album debuted at #7 but had a slow, yet steady climb to #1. The album is one of the largest-selling albums of all time in the country (#8).

Sales: 1,064,475
Plays: 891
Weeks On Chart: 4
Peak: #1 (1x)
+1 voto
respondida 28 Fev, 2023 por Hey_Guba (7,457 pontos)
19 by Adele
Peak: #16 | Weeks: 11
SPS: 692.000

#10 Hometown Glory (1.349.000 SPS - 1x Platina)
#11 Chasing Pavements (287.000 SPS)
N/C Make You Feel My Love (30.000 PS)

TOTAL ERA: 2.358.000

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