MIDNIGHTS: 1 mês de lançamento

+4 votos
518 visitas
perguntou 25 Nov, 2022 em Charts por Ed_Silvah (19,805 pontos)

Peak: #1 (5x)
WoC: 5
SPS: 2.103.000 | Pure: 1.603.000

Músicas que continuam charteando (valores em SPS):

#2 (+14) Anti-Hero | 770.000 *peak #2 (3x)*
#16 (RE) Bejeweled | 476.000 *peak #9*
#18 (RE) Maroon | 511.000 *peak #10*
#20 (RE) Vigilante Shit | 673.000 *peak #1 (2x)*
#27 (RE) Dear Reader | 544.000 *peak #3*
#29 (RE) Lavender Haze | 512.000 *peak #2*
#31 (+14) Question...? | 474.000 *peak #8*
#32 (+14) The Great War | 441.000 *peak #12*
#44 (-7) Glitch | 510.000 *peak #6*
#45 (RE) Labyrinth | 385.000 *peak #16*
#46 (RE) Mastermind | 441.000 *peak #7
#47 (RE) Paris | 474.000 *peak #5*

Restante das tracks:

#1 Would've, Could've, Should've | 457.000
#3 Snow On The Beach | 549.000
#4 Karma | 495.000
#4 High Infidelity | 428.000
#5 Bigger Than The Whole Sky | 432.000
#7 You're On Your Own, Kid | 442.000
#9 Midnight Rain | 473.000
#15 Sweet Nothing | 423.000

5 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 25 Nov, 2022 por Daninopll (5,457 pontos)
selecionada 25 Nov, 2022 por Ed_Silvah
Melhor resposta

Peak: #1 (x2)
WoC: 5
SPS: 1.466.000 | Pure Sales: 982.000
*with the standar version SPS: 1.608.000 | Pure Sales: 1.042.000


#9 Lavender Haze - peak #9 [467.000]

Maroon - peak #28 [212.000]
Anti-Hero - peak #24 [237.000]
Snow On The Beach - peak #36 [176.000]
You're On Your Own, Kid - peak #29 [190.000]
Midnight Rain - peak #34 [191.000]
Question...? - peak #35 [180.000]
Vigilante Shit - peak #38 [171.000]
Bejeweled - peak #25 [231.000]
Labyrinth - peak #31 [198.000]
Karma - peak #30 [202.000]
Sweet Nothing - peak #37 [167.000]
Mastermind - peak #33 [185.000]
The Great War - peak #40 [156.000]
Bigger Than The Whole Sky - peak #26 [194.000]
Paris - peak #36 [161.000]
High Infidelity - peak #29 [177.000]
Glitch - peak #28 [191.000]
Would've, Could've, Should've - peak #42 [140.000]
Dear Reader - peak #27 [185.000]

*every song has charted for at least 2 consecutive weeks
+2 votos
respondida 25 Nov, 2022 por Deleted user (69 pontos)

Peak: #2²
WoC: 5
SPS: 1.045.000 | Pure: 355.000

Músicas ainda charteando:

#37 (-26) Anti Hero | 526.950 *peak #11*
#16 (-4) Lavender Haze | 611.700 *peak #12*
#43 (-30) Karma | 429.000 *peak #13*
#27 (+23) Mastermind | 108.550 *peak #27*

restante das músicas:
#50 Marrom | 9.400 (1 week)
+2 votos
respondida 25 Nov, 2022 por gabr13lferreira (1,400 pontos)
Peak: #1 (5x)
WoC: 5
SPS: 7,090,500 | Pure: 6,590,000

Músicas que continuam charteando (valores em SPS):

#1. (=) Lavender Haze | 1.382.488 *peak #1 (3x)*
#2. (+2) Anti-Hero | 1.359.486 *peak #1*
#3. (-1) Midnight Rain | 1.225.450 *peak #2*
#4. (+1) Bejeweled | 1.181.454 *new peak*
#5. (+1) Karma | 1.115.430 *new peak*
#6. (-3) You're On Your Own, Kid | 1,241,454 *peak #3*
#7.(=)  Labyrinth | 1.059.426 *peak #6*
#8. (=) Maroon | 1,198,452 *peak #3 (2x)*
#9. (=) Mastermind | 1.048.412 *peak #7*
#10. (=) Question...? | 1.195.430 *peak #2*
#11. (=) Snow On The Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey) | 1.097.418 *peak #4*
#12. (=) Sweet Nothing | 1.015.390 *peak #12 (5x)*
#13. (=) Vigilante Shit | 1.285.430 *peak #1*

Restante das tracks:

#14. Bigger Than The Whole Sky | 198.092
#15. Glitch | 158.072
#16. High Infidelity | 155.070
#17. Paris | 152.068
#18. The Great War | 149.066
#19. Would've, Could've, Should've | 146.064   
#21. Dear Reader | 130.060

* Todas as músicas da versão standard chartearan no top13 por 5 semanas consecutivas
** Todas as músicas da versão standard estão elegíveis à platina
+2 votos
respondida 28 Nov, 2022 por cowboylikepeu (1,100 pontos)

#1 5x

#1 (2x) Anti-Hero - 2,906,000
#1 Lavender Haze - 2,530,000
#1 You're On Your Own, Kid - 2,478,000

#2 (2x) Bejeweled - 2,594,000
#2 Maroon - 2,428,000
#2 Midnight Rain - 2,318,000
#3 Karma - 2,140,000
#3 Hits Different - 1,366,000
#4 (2x) Labyrinth - 2,340,000
#5 Snow on the Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey) - 2,360,000
#6 Would've, Could've, Should've - 1,874,000
#7 Dear Reader - 2,018,000
#8 Question...? - 2,050,000
#9 Sweet Nothing - 2,070,000
#9 Mastermind - 2,066,000
#10 Vigilante Shit - 1,984,000
#11 The Great War - 1,994,000
#14 Bigger Than the Whole Sky - 1,690,000
#15 High Infidelity - 1,532,000
#16 (2x) Paris - 1,594,000
#18 Glitch - 1,362,000

Total - 51,738,000
+1 voto
respondida 28 Nov, 2022 por thumor (893 pontos)

Peak: #1 (5x) | 5 semanas no chart
SPS: 1,117,000 | Pure Sales: 617,000
Vendas na última semana: 209,000

Músicas ainda charteando (+SPS)
#1 (=) Anti-Hero | 1,570,000 *peak #1 (5x)
#3 (=) Midnight Rain | 894,000 *peak #3
#7 (-1) Vigilante Shit | 1,116,000 *peak #3
#8 (+1) Lavender Haze | 1,044,000 *peak #4
#9 (-4) Maroon | 1,082,000 *peak #4
#11 (+3) Bejeweled | 808,000 *peak #11
#20 (+10) Mastermind | 432,000 *peak #19
#24 (+5) Karma | 610,000 *peak #12
#25 (-3) Question...? | 570,000 *peak #21
#26 (-7) You're On Your Own Kid | 574,000 *peak #19
#31 (=) Snow On The Beach | 474,000 *peak #22
#41 (-4) Labyrinth | 320,000 *peak #18
#42 (-4) Sweet Nothing | 300,000 *peak #23

Outras faixas:
#40. Bigger Than The Whole Sky (102k)
#42. Dear Reader (88k)
#43. Glitch (86k)
#44. High Infidelity (84k)
#45. Paris (82k)
#46. The Great War (80k)
#47. Would've Could've Should've (88k)

Todas as 13 faixas da versão padrão do álbum continuam charteando desde o lançamento, com apenas "Labyrinth", "Mastermind" e "Sweet Nothing" tendo ficado out por apenas uma semana.

As faixas da 3AM Edition chartearam apenas por uma semana, mas continuam crescendo em vendas, o que pode significar que algumas voltem em breve.

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