'Midnights' 2 Semana

+4 votos
375 visitas
perguntou 4 Nov, 2022 em Charts por Ed_Silvah (19,805 pontos)


Peak #1 | 2x
SPS: 1.229.000 (+523k) | Pure 1.029.000


#1 (+5) Would've, Could've, Should've *new peak*
#2 (+11) Lavender Haze *new peak*
#3 (+5) Dear Reader     *new peak*
#4 (+5) Karma *new peak*
#5 (+14) Paris *new peak*
#6 (-5) Vigilante Shit *peak #1*
#7 (+10) Mastermind new peak*
#8 (+6) Question...? *new peak*
#9 (+9) Bejeweled *new peak*
#10 (+10) Glitch *new peak*
#11 (-1) Maroon *peak #10*
#12 (-1) Midnight Rain *peak #11*
#13 (-11) Anti-Hero *peak #2*
#14 (-10) High Infidelity *peak #4*
#15 (-12) Snow On The Beach *peak #3*
#16 (-1) Sweet Nothing *peak #15*
#17 (-10) You're On Your Own, Kid *peak #7*
#18 (-2) Labyrinth *peak #16*
#19 (-7) The Great War *peak #12*
#20 (-15) Bigger Than The Whole Sky *peak #5*

7 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 4 Nov, 2022 por edvstheworld (3,616 pontos)
Peak #1 *second week at peak*
Sales: 788,800 (+362K)

#1. (=) Bejeweled *second week at peak*
#2. (+12) High Infidelity *new peak*
#3. (+13) Mastermind *new peak*
#4. (+14) Sweet Nothing *new peak*
#5. (+15) You're On Your Own, Kid *new peak*
#6. (+1) Anti-Hero *new peak*
#7. (+6) Glitch *new peak*
#8. (+7) Maroon *new peak*
#9. (+1) Midnight Rain *new peak*
#10. (+7) Paris *new peak*
#11. (=) Question...? *second week at peak*
#12. (-7) Snow On The Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey) *peak #5*
#13. (+6) The Great War *new peak*
#14. (-2) Vigilante Shit *peak #12*
#15. (-9) Would've, Could've, Should've *peak #6*
#16. (-8) Bigger Than The Whole Sky *peak #8*
#17. (-8) Dear Reader *peak #9*
#18. (-16) Karma *peak #2*
#19. (-16) Labyrinth *peak #3*
#20. (-16) Lavender Haze *peak #4*

*First artist to occupy the entire top 20 for a second week
+2 votos
respondida 5 Nov, 2022 por igovc_ (257 pontos)
editado 1 Fev, 2023 por igovc_
Peak: #1 for 2 weeks
Sales: 880.000 (+348.000)

#1. Maroon | New Peak
#2. Would've, Could've, Should've | Peak #1
#3. Mastermind | New Peak
#4. Bigger Than The Whole Sky | New Peak
#5. Karma | New Peak
#6. Question...? | Peak #2
#7. You're On Your Own Kid | Peak #4
#8. Anti-hero | New Peak
#9. Labyrinth | New Peak
#10. Lavender Haze | Peak #7
#11. Midnight Rain | Peak #5
#12. Paris | New Peak
#13. Snow On The Beach | Peak #6
#14. Bejeweled | Peak #11
#15. Dear Reader | New Peak
#16. High Infidelity | Peak #15
#17. Sweet Nothing | Peak #12
#18. The Great War | Peak #13
#19. Vigilante Shit | Peak #8
#20. Glitch | Peak #18
+1 voto
respondida 5 Nov, 2022 por gabrielever (1,566 pontos)

#1. (=) Midnights (218,000)


#2. (+7) Would've, Could've, Should've
#3. (-1) Bejeweled
#4. (+7) Question...?
#5. (-4) Karma
#6. (+13) Glitch
#7. (-1) Midnight Rain
#8. (=) Snow On The Beach
#9. (-5) Maroon
#12. (-7) Lavender Haze
#13. (+3) Mastermind
#14. (-7) Vigilante Shit
#15. (-5) You're On You Own, Kid
#17. (-14) Anti-Hero
#22. (-8) Bigger Than The Whole Sky
#24. (-3) Labyrinth
#25. (-12) Sweet Nothing
#32. (-12) High Infidelity
#34. (-17) The Great War
+1 voto
respondida 5 Nov, 2022 por Gabriel_Faria0 (298 pontos)
editado 10 Nov, 2022 por Gabriel_Faria0

Peak #1 | 2x
SPS: 3.715.000 (+1.935M) | Pure 2.915.000


#1 (=) Anti-Hero (2x)
#3 (-1) Midnight Rain *Peak #2
#5 (-2) Lavender Haze *Peak #3
#8 (-4) Question...? *Peak #4
#10 (-5) Karma *Peak #5
#15 (-9) Bigger Than The Whole Sky *Peak #6
#18 (-11) Vigilante Shit*Peak #7
#20 (-10) Mastermind *Peak #10
#23 (-15) Snow On The Beach *Peak #8
#26 (-15) You're On Your Own, Kid *Peak #11

Tracks que deram out*

Bejeweled *Peak #19
Labyrinth *Peak #23
Maroon*Peak *Peak #24
Sweet Nothing *Peak #25
0 votos
respondida 6 Nov, 2022 por Arukii (1,098 pontos)

Peak: #1 (x2)
325,200 pure sales and 475,200 units

Tracks (pure sales)

#6. Anti-Hero - 48.000
#12. Would've, Could've, Should've - 26.400
#14. Midnight Rain - 24.000
#21. Lavender Haze -  21.600
#22. Vigilante Shit - 21.600
#26. Maroon - 20.400
#31. Question...? - 19.200
#39. Bejeweled - 16.800
#40. Snow On The Beach - 16.800
#52. Mastermind - 13.200
#53. You're On Your Own, Kid - 13.200
#60. Karma - 12.000
#61. Labyrinth - 12.000
#64. Sweet Nothing - 10.800
#68. The Great War - 9.600
#77. Bigger Than The Whole Sky - 8.400
#78. Dear Reader - 8.400
#79. High Infidelity - 8.400
#84. Glitch - 7.200
#85. Paris - 7.200
0 votos
respondida 7 Nov, 2022 por gabr13lferreira (1,400 pontos)

Peak #1 | 2x
Sales: 4,510,200 (+1,080,100)


#1 (+5) Lavender Haze *new peak*
#2 (+1) Anti-Hero *new peak*
#3 (+4) Maroon *new peak*
#4 (-3) Vigilante Shit *peak #1*
#5 (-1) You're On Your Own, Kid *peak #4*
#6 (+2) Bejeweled *new peak*
#7 (+4) Mastermind new peak*
#8 (+2) Karma *new peak*
#9 (+4) Labyrinth *new peak*
#10 (-8) Question...? *peak #2*
#11 (-2) Snow On The Beach *peak #9*
#12 (=) Sweet Nothing
#13 (-8) Midnight Rain *peak #5*
0 votos
respondida 8 Nov, 2022 por lipachrist (130 pontos)
Peak — #3. (-1) Midnights *peak #2*
Sales — 514,000 (+238,000)

#3. (-1) Bejeweled *peak #2*
#6. (-2) Midnight Rain *peak #4*
#9. (-2) Karma *peak #7*
#10. (+16) Question… ? *new peak*
#25. (new) Anti-Hero
#36. (-15) Lavender Haze *peak #21*
#37. (-23) Maroon *peak #14*
#38. (-16) Vigilante Shit *peak #22*

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