Demi Lovato: Total Career Sales

+4 votos
230 visitas
perguntou 25 Jan, 2022 em Charts por Rhuanpmg (2,087 pontos)
Demi Lovato é o artista de mais sucesso aqui nos meus charts, confira abaixo o seu número total de vendas por aqui:


DWTDTAOSO - 11,3M SPS | Pure Sales: 5,7M
Tell Me You Love Me - 5,2M SPS | Pure Sales: 1,5M
Here We Go Again - 2,4M SPS | Pure Sales: 387k
Demi - 1,7M SPS | Pure Sales: 340k
Don't Forget - 1,1M SPS | Pure Sales: 195k
Confident - 1,9M SPS | Pure Sales: 243k
Unbroken - 1M SPS | Pure Sales: 140k

Total SPS: +24,6M
Total Pure Sales: +8,5M


Músicas mais vendidas:

Melon Cake - 7,8M SPS | Pure Sales: 1,6M
Met Him Last Night - 7,3M SPS | Pure Sales: 2,3M
Dancing With The Devil - 4M | Pure Sales: 1M
Easy - 3,3M | Pure Sales: 649k
The Art Of Starting Over - 3,2M | Pure Sales: 1M

Total SPS: +63,1M
Total Pure Sales: +16M
Total Feats Sold: +7,7M | Pure Sales: 2,1M

Total Career Sold: +95,4M

1 Resposta

+2 votos
respondida 25 Jan, 2022 por mirandafdiego (962 pontos)
#1 (2x) Tell Me You Love Me: 3,042,000 [1,576,000 PS]
#1 (3x) DWTD TAOSO: 1,427,000 [920,000 PS]
#4 (1x) Unbroken: 136,000 [88,000 PS]
#5 (1x) Here We Go Again: 133,000 [71,000 PS]
#6 (1x) Demi: 455,000 [221,000 PS]
#7 (1x) Confident: 585,000 [426,000 PS]
TOTAL SPS: 5,778,000
TOTAL PS: 3,302,000

SONGS [Top 5]
#1 Cry Baby: 2,912,000 [670,000 PS]
#1 Dancing With the Devil: 1,553,000 [420,000 PS]
#1 Daddy Issues: 1,342,00 [430,000 PS]
#2 I Love Me: 3,533,000 [1,000,000 PS]
#2 Sorry Not Sorry: 1,584,000 [470,000 PS]
#2 Made in the USA: 310,000 [80,000 PS]
#3 Tell Me You Love Me: 1,567,000 [580,000 PS]
#4 Sexy Dirty Love: 3,087,000 [540,000 PS]
#5 Ruin the Friendship: 1,125,000 [350,000 PS]
#5 Lonely: 967,000 [140,000 PS]
TOTAL SPS: 38,161,000
TOTAL PS: 13,160,000

TOTAL CAREER: 43,939,000 [16,462,000 PS]

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