Taylor Swift - Discografia Atualizada

+6 votos
296 visitas
perguntou 22 Jan, 2022 em Charts por LucGab95 (56,820 pontos)
Atualização dos álbuns

7 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 23 Jan, 2022 por itmarinhop (9,130 pontos)
selecionada 23 Jan, 2022 por LucGab95
Melhor resposta
1. reputation | 7.234.000 sps
2. Lover | 6.727.000 SPS
3. folklore | 6.042.000 sps
4. evermore | 3.637.000 sps
5. 1989 | 3.326.000 sps
6. Red | 2.072.000 sps (eu juntei as TAGs do Red com o Red TV)
7. Speak now | 1.378.000 sps
8. Fearless TV | 1.049.000 sps
+2 votos
respondida 23 Jan, 2022 por Deleted user (872 pontos)
#1. Lover | 20,493,906 SPS - 2x Diamond
#2. reputation | 17,428,788 SPS - 1x Diamond
#3. folklore | 15,721,380 SPS - 1x Diamond
#4. 1989 | 13,067,082 SPS - 1x Diamond
#5. evermore | 10,734,426 - 1x Diamond
#6. Fearless TV | 10,008,978    SPS - 1x Diamond
#7. Red | 7,986,942 SPS - 7x Platinum
#8. Red TV | 5,010,000 SPS - 5x Platinum
#9. Speak Now | 4,392,768 SPS - 4x Platinum
#10. Fearless | 1,629,252 SPS - 1x Platinum
#11. Taylor Swift | 988,974 SPS - Gold

Total: 96,72M
+2 votos
respondida 24 Jan, 2022 por cowboylikepeu (1,100 pontos)
1989 - 30,586,000
reputation - 18,028,000
Speak Now - 14,760,000
Fearless - 14,044,000
Red - 13,854,000
folklore - 13,324,000
evermore - 9,852,000
Lover - 9,110,000
Taylor Swift - 6,188,000
Fearless (Taylor's Version) - 2,656,000
Red (Taylor's Version) - 2,126,000

Total - 134,528,000
+2 votos
respondida 24 Jan, 2022 por mirandafdiego (962 pontos)
#1 (3x) Red: 10,292,000
#1 (12x) folklore: 7,224,000
#1 (13x) 1989: 7,080,000
#1 (11x) Lover: 6,531,000
#1 (9x) reputation: 5,442,000
#1 (1x) Speak Now: 4,543,000
#1 (8x) evermore: 4,364,000
#2 (1x) Fearless: 1,226,000
#3 (1x) Taylor Swift: 557,000

#1 (5x) Red: 2,504,000
#1 (2x) Fearless: 1,574,000

#1 (3x) reputation Stadium Tour: 1,889,000
#6 (1x) folklore the long pond: 88,000

TOTAL: 53,314,000
+1 voto
respondida 24 Jan, 2022 por Daninopll (5,411 pontos)
1. Red (Deluxe Edition) - 2.055.000 SPS (#1 x2)
2. folklore (deluxe version) - 1.807.000 SPS (#1)
3. The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection - 1.571.000 SPS (#4)
4. Red (Taylor's Version) - 1.496.000 SPS (#1 x3)
5. evermore (deluxe version) - 1.230.000 SPS (#1 x2)
6. Fearless (Taylor's Version) - 1.206.000 SPS (#1 x5)
7. folklore - 1.169.000 SPS (#1)
8. 1989 (Deluxe) - 1.140.000 SPS (#1)
9. Taylor Swift - 1.123.000 SPS (#1)
10. evermore - 1.063.000 SPS (#1)
11. Speak Now (Deluxe Package) 801.000 SPS (#3)
12. Fearless (Platinum Edition) 753.000 SPS (#2 x2)
13. Lover 285.000 SPS (#5)
14. reputation 277.000 SPS (#4)
+1 voto
respondida 24 Jan, 2022 por Deleted user (131 pontos)
editado 23 Fev, 2022 por Deleted user
Fearless (Taylor's Version): 3.966M (3x Platinum)
Red: 3.392M (3x Platinum)
Red (TV): 2.319M (3x Platinum)
1989: 8.201M (8x Platinum)
reputation: 5.202M (5x Platinum)
Lover: 4.557M (4x Platinum)
folklore: 7.572M (7x Platinum)
evermore: 7.390M (7x Platinum)
+1 voto
respondida 25 Jan, 2022 por Ed_Silvah (19,805 pontos)
1. 1989 — 15.479.000 SPS
2. reputation — 12.959.000 SPS
3. Lover — 10.033.000 SPS
4. Red — 6.437.000 SPS
5. Speak Now — 3.650.000 SPS
6. Fearless — 3.516.000 SPS
7. Taylor Swift — 2.702.000 SPS
8. Red (TV) — 1.708.000 SPS
9. folklore — 553.000 SPS
10. evermore — 258.000 SPS
11. Fearless (TV) — 177.000 SPS

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