ATRLer's on ZERO

+13 votos
484 visitas
perguntou 19 Ago, 2017 em Off-Topic por cheekyprick (18 pontos)

Get in sistren from ATRL Smiley let's keep it in English

8 Respostas

0 votos
respondida 19 Ago, 2017 por glass_magician (20 pontos)
sup, y'all
0 votos
respondida 19 Ago, 2017 por Vxictoria (2 pontos)

Hello Heart

0 votos
respondida 19 Ago, 2017 por a1n2d3r4e5morei (45,758 pontos)
It's not easy to do it since everything here is actually in PT-BR. BTW, I'm with you! Let's try to do it!
comentou 19 Ago, 2017 por sirheo (10,214 pontos)
I'm shooketh that I've never realized the forum couldn't be used in English
comentou 20 Ago, 2017 por cheekyprick (18 pontos)
i use it on chrome where i can translate the page. i lurk on other pages sometimes and it's kinda interesting for me to see who's really popular in Brazil lol
0 votos
respondida 19 Ago, 2017 por ctrclub (2 pontos)
+1 voto
respondida 20 Ago, 2017 por heartcat (4,135 pontos)

ai que lenga lenga image

0 votos
respondida 20 Ago, 2017 por hadoman (322 pontos)
Hey guys!! :)
0 votos
respondida 20 Ago, 2017 por Deleted user (2 pontos)
omg I don't have an account, but I've been keeping up with everything involving my faves on it. btw i love this site!!
0 votos
respondida 20 Ago, 2017 por jomar_r (42 pontos)
Hey y'all

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