DWTD: TAOSO Um mês de lançamento

+3 votos
321 visitas
perguntou 3 Mai, 2021 em Charts por Rhuanpmg (2,087 pontos)
Ontem fez um mês que o sétimo álbum de Demi Lovato "Dancing With THe Devil: The Art Of Starting Over foi lançado, confira as conquistas do álbum aqui no país:

Peak: #1 (4x)
Debut: 1.482.500 (maior debut da história)
SPS: 3.163.000
Certificado de 3x Platina



#1(4x) Met Him Last Night (Feat. Ariana Grande) / 1.177.500 SPS (1x Platina)
#1(1x) Dancing With The Devil / 1.177.500 SPS (1x Platina)



#1(1x) What Other People Say/ 543.500 SPS
#2(1x) Anyone/ 676.500 SPS (Ouro)
#2(1x) Melon Cake/ 614.000 SPS (Ouro)
#3(1x) Easy (with Noah Cyrus)/ 563.000 SPS (Ouro)
#3(1x) I Love Me/ 293.500 SPS
#4(1x) My Girlfriends Are My Boyfriend (Feat. Saweetie)/ 431.500 SPS
#6(1X) Lonely People/ 434.000 SPS
#7(1x) ICU (Madison's Lullabye)/ 445.000 SPS
#7(1x) 15 Minutes/ 377.000 SPS
#8(1x) The Art Of Starting Over/ 425.000 SPS
#9(1x) The Kind Of Lover I Am/ 392.500 SPS
#10(1x) The Way You Don't Look At Me/ 423.500 SPS
#10(1x) Carefully/ 383.500 SPS
#11(1x) California Sober/ 359.000 SPS
#13(1x) Mad World/ 339.000 SPS
#13(1x) Good Place/ 323.00 SPS
#15(1x) Butterfly/ 329.500 SPS
#18(1x) Sunset/ 245.000 SPS
#34(1x) Ok Not Be Ok/ 128.000 SPS
I'm Ready/ 9.000 SPS
Anyone - Live Acoustic/ 4.500 SPS
Dancing With The Devil - Live Acoustic/ 4.500 SPS
ICU (Madison's Lullabye) - Live Acoustic/ 4.500 SPS


Total Era SPS Sold: 13.266.500

3 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 3 Mai, 2021 por Deleted user (10,499 pontos)
selecionada 4 Mai, 2021 por Rhuanpmg
Melhor resposta

"Dancing With The Devil... The Art Of Starting Over"
2.9kk SPS
Peak: #1 (3x)
398kk Streams
2x Platina
*ainda charteando, previsão de ser #1 novamente essa semana
*maior debut da história: 1.3kk SPS

• Anyone
Pk #1  |  7 weeks  |  3.1kk SPS

• Dancing With the Devil
Pk #1  |  5 weeks  |  2.9kk SPS

• Met Him Last Night (feat. Ariana Grande)
Pk #1 (4x) |  4 weeks  |  2.7kk SPS
 *recorde de mais semanas em #1 empatado com Rain On Me (previsão de #1 novamente essa semana)
+1 voto
respondida 3 Mai, 2021 por Vincius02 (1,687 pontos)

Dancing With The Devil…The Art of Starting Over

4 weeks  |  Peak #1¹
Sales: 231,000 pure
Sps: 330,000 units
All-Time Pure Sales Albums: #100
All-Time Albums: #127

Chart-Run: 1 - 3 - 5 - 9


• Anyone
Pk #5  |  7 weeks  |  694,000 sps

• Met Him Last Night (feat. Ariana Grande)
Pk #16  |  4 weeks  |  751,000 sps

• Dancing With the Devil
Pk #20  |  5 weeks  |  597,000 sps

Others: 54,000 ps

Total Era sales: 2,426,000
+1 voto
respondida 3 Mai, 2021 por gabrielever (1,566 pontos)

Peak: #1 (2x)
Debut: 254,000 (Recorde)
SPS: 674,000
Elegível a Ouro

• Singles:

#1. Met Him Last Night - 548,000
#9. Dancing With the Devil - 362,000
#16. What Other People Say - 180,000
#21. Anyone - 130,000

• Tracks:

#3. My Girlfriends Are My Boyfriend - 570,000
#4. The Way You Don't Look At Me - 594,000
#6. Carefully - 416,000
#7. Mad World - 290,000
#10. Easy - 492,000
#12. 15 Minutes - 242,000
#15. The Art Of Starting Over - 182,000
#22. Good Place - 148,000
#23. ICU (Madison's Lullabye) - 116,000
#24. Intro - 154,000
#25. Melon Cake - 142,000
#27. Butterfly - 168,000
#28. Lonely People - 126,000
#39. California Sober - 84,000
#41. The Kind of Lover I Am - 90,000

Total: 5.708.000

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