What formula do you use for certifications?

+3 votos
592 visitas
perguntou 20 Mar, 2021 em Charts por Charl142es (765 pontos)
I feel its too easy to get diamond or platinum certification so I need some new ideas for a different formula.

3 Respostas

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respondida 21 Mar, 2021 por AlexPerry02 (11 pontos)
I use 10,000 for Track Scrobble
1000 per points on track (100 points = 100k)
1500 album track
550 album points
And i use (500,000 Gold, 1,000,000 for Platinum and 10,000,000 Diamond)
Hope it helps You
0 votos
respondida 21 Mar, 2021 por mynameisalef (8 pontos)
I think the most important thing you have to be aware of when deciding this, is notice what is the biggest project in your lastfm, then take it as the pattern to platinum certifications. In your library, try to race the number that most of your projects start to stop to be played (my albums, for example, stop usually in 1300p more or less) amd put it as the diamond certifications.
+1 voto
respondida 27 Mar, 2021 por RonaldBh (1,844 pontos)
if you listen music a lot, you have to thinking the best formula for your chart, per example, I listen many songs almost everyday so I use this formula:

Plays × 5,000
Songs Points × 1,500

Gold (500,000)
Platinum (1,000,000)
Diamond (10,000,000)


Albums plays × 2,000
Albums points × 1,000

Gold (500,000)
Platinum (1,000,000)
Diamond (10,000,000)

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