positions Era - Total Sales

+8 votos
857 visitas
perguntou 24 Dez, 2020 em Charts por RonaldBh (1,844 pontos)

positions by Ariana Grande
Peak: #1 (9x) Bh's Albums Chart
Pure Sales: 3,102,000
SPS: 4,002,000
Debut: 1,866,000 (#1)
Weeks: 9 (9 weeks on top 10)
#4 YEC 2020
#5 All-Time Pure Sales Albums
Certified 4x Platinum (4,000,000)

#1 (4x) positions - 3,668,000 SPS
#1 (2x) 34+35 - 1,646,000 SPS
#2 (1x) off the table - 970,000 SPS
#4 (1x) pov - 890,000 SPS
#4 (1x) my hair - 444,000 SPS
#5 (1x) nasty - 302,000 SPS
#6 (1x) six thirty - 328,000 SPS
#7 (1x) motive - 402,000 SPS
#8 (1x) just like magic - 362,000 SPS
#9 (1x) safety net - 282,000 SPS
#11 (1x) love language - 280,000 SPS
#12 (1x) obvious - 252,000 SPS
#14 (1x) west side - 246,000 SPS

TOTAL ERA: 14,074,000 units sold
4,002,000 (album) + 10,072,000 (tracks)

Como foi o desempenho da era "positions" no seu chart/país?

9 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 26 Dez, 2020 por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)

Positions by Ariana Grande

Peak: #1 (9x) | Weeks: 9
Streams: 1.335.403.350
Pure Sales: 4,750,000 | 5,650,000
Elegível a 5x Platina


#1. (4x) positions - 2,6M
#1. (4x) 34+35 - 2M
#1. (1x) pov - 1,9M
#2. (1x) off the table - 1,7M
#3. (2x) motive - 1,6M
#4. (1x) obvious - 1,6M
#4. (1x) shut up - 1,6M
#5. (1x) just like magic - 1,6M
#5. (1x) safety net - 1,5M
#6. (3x) six thirty - 1,6M
#7. (1x) nasty - 1,3M
#9. (1x) my hair - 1,4M
#9. (1x) west side - 1,2M
#10. (1x) love language - 1,3M

Total Era SPS Sold: +28,500,000
+1 voto
respondida 28 Dez, 2020 por Arukii (1,098 pontos)
Positions - Ariana Grande

Peak: #3 (3x) | Weeks: 10
Pure Sales: 1.107.000
SPS: 2.181.500
Elegível a 2x Platina


#1. (1x) positions - 706k
#18. pov - 682k
#23. 34+35 - 166k
#34. motive - 112k
#38. my hair - 110k
#41. just like magic - 79k
#50. shut up - 39k

six thirty - 30k
nasty - 30k
off the table - 21k
west side - 18k
obvious - 16k
safety net - 9k
love language - 9k

Total Era SPS Sold: +4.230.000
0 votos
respondida 29 Dez, 2020 por freemym1nd (358 pontos)
Peak: #1
Pure Sales: 764.764
SPS: 1.747.332
Debut: 450.436 SPS #1
Weeks: 10 (10 weeks on Top 10)
#16 YEC 2020
#50 All-Time Pure Sales Albums
Certified 1x Platinum (1.000.000 SPS)

#1 (3x) positions - 2.507.106 (5x Platinum)
#6 motive - 468.594 (Gold)
#8 safety net - 304.536 (Gold)
#10 off the table - 240.300 (No Certified)
#17 34+35 - 243.588 (No Certified)
#18 obvious - 231.480 (No Certified)
#19 shut up - 171.348 (No Certified)
#20 pov - 219.270 (No Certified)
Another Tracks:
west side - 128.064
love language - 100.050
obvious - 96.048
my hair - 88.044
nasty - 56.028
just like magic - 28.014
six thirty - 24.012

4.906.932 (Tracks) + 1.747.332 (Album)
TOTAL: 6.654.264
0 votos
respondida 29 Dez, 2020 por Debrellb (75 pontos)

positions - Ariana Grande
Peak: #1 (5x)
9 weeks (9 consecutive weeks in top 2)
Pure Sales: 974,000
SPS: 1,487,000
Debut: 193,000 (#1)
#3 YEC 2020
Certified 1x PLATINUM

#1 (3x) positions (10 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10) 2,160,000 SPS
#1 (1x) pov (9 weeks) (3 weeks in top 10) 1,520,000 SPS
#2 (1x) 34+35 (9 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10) 1,820,000 SPS
#3 (1x) nasty (9 weeks) (3 weeks in top 10) 1,296,000 SPS
#27 (1x) motive (with Doja Cat) (4 weeks) 332,000 SPS
#38 (1x) just like magic (3 weeks) 210,000 SPS
n/a shut up 31,500 SPS
n/a off the table (with The Weeknd) 38,500 SPS
n/a six thirty 21,000 SPS
n/a safety net (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) 24,500 SPS
n/a my hair 21,000 SPS
n/a west side 59,500 SPS
n/a love language 31,500 SPS
n/a obvious 38,500 SPS
TRACKS/SINGLES - 7,603,000
ALBUMS: 1,487,000
0 votos
respondida 29 Dez, 2020 por Charl142es (765 pontos)
Positions by Ariana Grande
Peak: # 1 (5x)  Albums Chart
Pure Sales: 12,330,000 (2k Plays)
SPS: 12,906,000 (Points are low since its only been on the chart for 6 weeks)
Debut: 192,000 (# 12)
Weeks: 6 (5 weeks #1) *Biggest Jump To #1 (12->1)*
# 1 YEC 2020
# 1 All-Time Pure Sales Albums
Certified 12x Platinum

# 1 (1x) 34+35- 5,064,000 SPS *Self Replacement at #1 for Ariana*
# 1 (1x) Positions - 3.820,000 SPS *Self Replacement at #1 for Ariana*
# 1 (1x) Six Thirty - 2,944,000 SPS *#1 Debut*
# 1 (1x) Safety Net -2,976,000 SPS *Self Replacement at #1 for Ariana*
# 4 (1x) POV - 3,414,000 SPS
# 5 (1x) Nasty - 3,152,000 SPS

# 5 (1x) My Hair - 2,756,000 SPS
# 5 (1x) Off The Table-2,316,000 SPS
# 6 (1x) Obvious - 2,880,000 SPS
# 7 (1x) Motive - 2,440,000 SPS
# 8 (1x) Shut Up - 2,540,000 SPS
# 12 (1x) Just Like Magic- 1,968,000 SPS
# 15 (1x) Love Language- 2,038,000 SPS
#18 (1x) West Side- 1,738,000

TOTAL ERA: 52,952,000 units sold
12,906,000 (album) + 40,046,000 (tracks)
0 votos
respondida 29 Dez, 2020 por Deleted user (1,363 pontos)

Positions by Ariana Grande

Peak: #1 (9x) | Weeks: 10
Pure Sales: 8.496.972 | 10.434.090
Elegível a 1x Diamante


#1. (2x) positions - 4,7M
#1. (1x) 34+35 - 4M
#1. (1x) west side - 2,7M
#2. (2x) obvious - 3,2M
#3. (1x) motive - 3M
#4. (2x) six thirty - 2.8M
#5. (2x) just like magic - 2,6M
#6. (1x) shut up - 1,3M
#7. (1x) my hair - 2.5M
#7. (1x) pov - 2M
#8. (1x) safety net - 2,1M
#11. (1x) love language - 1,7M
#12. (1x) nasty - 2M
#13. (1x) off the table - 1,9M

Total Era SPS Sold: +47,410,422
0 votos
respondida 29 Dez, 2020 por wowdb (639 pontos)
Peak: #1 (1x) | Weeks: 7
Debut: 186k
SPS: 679k (1x ouro)

YEC: #68

#1 positions 842k (1x platina) YEC: #74
#24 motive 155k
#25 obvious 84k
#27 just like magic 78k
#29 pov 70k
#45 34+35 24k
#50 safety net 9k

Uma era que não foi bem aceita por aqui...
0 votos
respondida 24 Set, 2021 por HoracioDelRocio (3 pontos)
Positions (album): PEAK #29
- 550K total (100K pure sales)
0 votos
respondida 25 Set, 2021 por Rhuanpmg (2,086 pontos)
Positions by Ariana Grande

Peak #3 (4x) | 22 weeks
Pure Sales: 1,418,400
SPS: 3,813,300
Streams: 1,345,582,668
3x Platina


#1. pov | Streams: 600,909,708 | SPS: 3,2M
#6. my hair | Streams: 161,345,808 | SPS: 798,1k
#16. test drive | Streams: 129,283,500 | SPS: 649,7k
#22. 34+35 | Streams: 98,255.460 | SPS: 510,7k
#23. positions | Streams: 173,757,024 | SPS: 894,4k
#26. motive | Streams: 81,707,172 | SPS: 445,6k
#27. safety net | Streams: 50,679,132 | SPS: 271,7k
#32. shut up | Streams: 19,651,092 | SPS: 126,3k
#33. six thirty | Streams: 18,616,824 | SPS: 114,2k
#45. just like magic | Streams: 8,274,144 | SPS: 86,2k
#47. nasty | Streams: 4,137,072 | SPS: 43,1k
#48. off the table | Streams: 3,102,804 | SPS: 47,4k

west side - 22k
love language - 24,750
obvious - 24,750
wrost behavior - 8,250
main thing - 8,250

Total Era SPS Sold: 11,109,200

o álbum não teve um desempenho tão bom porque comcei a usar o last esse ano e meio que perdeu o hype do lançamento, se na época eu já usasse o last com certeza o álbum teria feito muito mais sucesso.

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