DUA LIPA: 6 meses do aclamado 'Future Nostalgia'

+8 votos
628 visitas
perguntou 27 Set, 2020 em Charts por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)
editado 12 Out, 2020 por forstavinski
Hoje o 'Future Nostalgia' completa 6 meses de lançamento, por isso resolvi postar o desempenho da era nos meus charts:

Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa

Peak: #1 (8x) | Weeks: 39
Streams: 2.844.070.900
Pure Sales: 3,386,000 | SPS: 6,682,000
Elegível a 6x Platina

YEC 2020: #1 (so far)


#1. (1x) Don't Start Now | 6,044,000 SPS | Streams: 712.255.760
#1. (2x) Physical | 3,852,000 SPS | Streams: 449.342.560
#1. (4x) Break My Heart | 5,136,000 SPS | Streams: 607.090.480
#2. (1x) Hallucinate | 3,172,000 SPS | Streams: 378.834.020



#2. (1x) Future Nostalgia | 3,076,000 SPS | Streams: 231.759.990



#3. (1x) Cool | 2,584,000 SPS | Streams: 100.147.710
#4. (1x) Boys Will Be Boys | 1,592,000 SPS | Streams: 57.481.230
#5. (1x) Good In Bed | 1,852,000 SPS | Streams: 68.147.850
#6. (1x) Love Again | 1,944,000 SPS | Streams: 72.691.040
#7. (1x) Levitating | 2,208,000 SPS | Streams: 84.345.310
#9. (1x) Pretty Please | 2,144,000 SPS | Streams: 81.974.950


Total Era SPS Sold: +40M

- 10 Hits Top 5
- 39 semanas na Hot 50 Albums
- 228 semanas na Hot 50 Songs (singles, promos e tracks)

A era 'Future Nostalgia' é a maior era do ANO no meu país, vendendo mais de 40 milhões no total e próximo de 3 BILHÕES de streams no Spotify do país. ''Cool'' foi a primeira non-single a alcançar 100M de reproduções logo ao completar 6 meses de lançamento. Dua Lipa pode também vir a emplacar ''Levitating'' assim que sair o remix com o rapper DaBaby, que já conquistou o #1 no meu país com a música ''My Oh My'' de Camila Cabello.

6 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 27 Set, 2020 por Vincius02 (1,687 pontos)
Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa

Peak: #1 (3x) | 26 weeks
Pure Sales: 2.724.000 | SPS: 4.076.000
Elegível a 4x Platina
Streams: 1.382B

Chart-Run: 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 4 - 9 - 10 - 42 - 2 - 6 - 9 - 9 - 8 - 9 - 7 - 11 - 7 - 13 - 10 - 13


• Don't Start Now | Peak: #5
3.075.000 SPS | Streams: 316.6M

• Physical | Peak: #11
1.053.000 SPS | Streams: 112.7M

• Break My Heart | Peak: #2 (3x)
2.995.000 SPS | Streams: 307.2M

• Hallucinate | Peak: #6
3.105.000 SPS | Streams: 338.3M

#19  Pretty Please | 1.078.000 sps
#22  Cool | 478.000 sps
#24  Love Again | 335.000 sps
#42  Future Nostalgia | 142.000 sps
#43  Good In Bad | 77.000 sps
#44  Levitating | 231.000 sps

Total Era Sold: 16.414.000

É a maior da Dua Lipa e uma das maiores eras femininas da história.
+1 voto
respondida 27 Set, 2020 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)

peak #1 (9x) | weeks on chart 25
chart-run 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 9 - 1 - 12 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 2 - 7 - 3 - 10 - 17 - 34

3,526,000 SPS (1,2M pure sales)

#1. "Don't Start Now"
#1. "Physical"
#1. "Break My Heart"
#2. "Hallucinate"
#1. "Levitating"
+1 voto
respondida 27 Set, 2020 por isra_eel (2,929 pontos)
Future Nostalgia

Peak: #1(7x)
Weeks: 31
Streams: 2.916.000| Pure sales: 3.422.000
SPS: 6.338.000
6x Platina

YEC: #2

#2. Physical | SPS:2.978.000 (2x Platina)
#6. Don't  Start Now | SPS: 2.469.000 (2x Platina)
#12. Hallucinate | SPS: 904.000 (Ouro)
#13. Break My Heart | SPS: 1.855.000 (1x Platina)

#2. Good In Bed | SPS: 1.915.000 (1x Platina)
#5. Pretty Please | SPS: 413.000
#6. Boys Will Be Boys | SPS: 813.000 (Ouro)
#7. Love Again | SPS: 979.000 (Ouro)
#13 Cool | SPS: 489.000
#17 Levitating | SPS: 1.287.000 (1x Platina)
Future Nostalgia: OUT

Total era Sold: 20.440.000

Aqui é a segunda era feminina mais vendida da história e o álbum lançado em 2020 mais vendido, infelizmente a era não conseguiu pegar #1 com nenhuma música
+1 voto
respondida 28 Set, 2020 por Deleted user (264 pontos)

#1(3x) Future Nostalgia — 4.63m (4xP)


#1(5x) Don't Start Now — 8.48m (8xP)
#1(4x) Physical — 5.39m (5xP)
#1(2x) Break My Heart — 2.45m (2xP)
#5 Hallucinate — 1.57m (1xP)
#6 Levitating — 2.19m (2xP)

Promo Single

#1 Future Nostalgia — 3.13m (3xP)

Charted Album tracks

#2 Good in Bed — 1.01m (1xP)
#3 Boys Will Be Boys — 0.38m
#4 Love Again — 0.91m (G)
#5 Pretty Please — 0.98m (G)
#9 Cool — 0.71m (G)
+1 voto
respondida 28 Set, 2020 por Hollow64DD (625 pontos)
Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa

Peak: #1 (4x) | Weeks: 39
Streams: 1,092,750,124
Pure Sales: 3,846,000 | SPS: 6,574,000
6x Platinum

Chart-run: 11 - 14 - 8 - 8 - 13 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 6 - 10 - 14 - 5 - 7 (pre release) - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 9 - 8 - 12 - 16 - 20 - 30 - 20 - 20 - 36 - 31 - 36 - 24 - 40 - 44 - 37 - 34 - 43 - 41 - ...

YEC 2020: #5 (so far)


#1. Don't Start Now | 4,726,000 SPS | Streams: 245,400,636 4x Platinum

#2. Physical | 2,946,000 SPS | Streams: 111,900,220 2x Platinum

#1. Physical (feat. Hwa Sa) | 2,234,000 SPS | Streams: 104,115,464 2x Platinum

#1. Break My Heart | 3,270,000 SPS | Streams: 124,500,440 3x Platinum

#8. Hallucinate | 1,784,000 SPS | Streams: 75,612,800 Platinum

#7. (2x) Levitating | 2,202,000 SPS | Streams: 90,316,100 2x Platinum



#5. Future Nostalgia | 2,218,000 SPS | Streams: 80,753,868 2x Platinum



#10. Cool | 1,120,000 SPS | Streams: 39,026,000 Platinum

#4. Pretty Please | 1,840,000 SPS | Streams: 75,513,400 Platinum

#3. (2x) Love Again | 1,970,000 SPS | Streams: 82,551,042 Platinum

#11. Good In Bed | 1,092,000 SPS | Streams: 36,342,285 Platinum

#12. Boys Will Be Boys | 868,000 SPS | Streams: 26,717,869 Gold


Total Era SPS Sold: +30M
+1 voto
respondida 28 Set, 2020 por Deleted user (33,061 pontos)
Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa

Peak: #1 (4x) | Weeks: 26
SPS: 7,839,480
7x Platinum

Chart-run: 2 - 13 - 13 - 15 - 19 - 8 - 15 - 4 - 10 - 10 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 8 - 7 - 7 - 4 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - ...

YEC 2020: #3 (so far)


1. Don't Start Now
Peak: #5 | Weeks: 20
SPS: 5,742,000
YEC 2020: #70

2. Physical
Peak: #2 | Weeks: 23
SPS: 5,800,000
YEC 2020: #19

3. Break My Heart
Peak: #2 | Weeks: 26
SPS: 7,920,000
YEC 2020: #7

4. Hallucinate
Peak: #1 | Weeks: 12
SPS: 5,030,000
YEC 2020: #45

5. Levitating
Peak: #7 | Weeks: 6
SPS: 2,292,000
YEC 2020: #94



Future Nostalgia
Peak: 32 | Weeks: 3
SPS: 850,000

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