Zero Charts Suggestions

+10 votos
760 visitas
perguntou 10 Set, 2020 em Sugestões por Charl142es (765 pontos)
I think there should be a way to have Zero Charts give you the songs with the most consecutive weeks in the top 1,5,10,20,25,etc. Instead of the current overall.

I think they should have a way for you to have certain songs be prohibited to enter the YEC because I am a Christmas Music fanatic so I know All I Want For Christmas is You and other classics are gonna enter the YEC knocking off songs that actually deserve to be there.

2 Respostas

+3 votos
respondida 10 Set, 2020 por dyllie_bh (1,006 pontos)
i agree with the first part, there should be a way of counting the consecutive weeks, just like there is a way of counting the overall weeks

however, the 2nd part doesn't make any sense to me, and also something maybe a little too complicated to do. zerocharts counts the scrobbles you give, so a way to block these christmas songs from entering your YEC is to disable your from scrobbling in that specific time and/or to erase some of their scrobbles using the app "pano scrobbler for lastfm, librefm, listenbrainz"

i hope this has been helpful for you :>>>>>
comentou 11 Set, 2020 por Charl142es (765 pontos)
yea, it probably won't be a problem for me next year because Ill have a full year of tracking and not just 3 months by the time Christmas season comes.

Thanks so much for the apps that you gave.
+1 voto
respondida 12 Set, 2020 por Lucholerma (17,179 pontos)
I like when christmas music enters the YEC but that is just my opinion I guess...

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