There should be a option for merging duplicates

+6 votos
468 visitas
perguntou 11 Ago, 2020 em Sugestões por russwaltr (24 pontos)
There should be a option for merging duplicates, as the single and the same song in the album takes up the chart...

4 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 11 Ago, 2020 por dyllie_bh (1,006 pontos)
what do you mean by this?
+1 voto
respondida 11 Ago, 2020 por gabrielblueice (53,446 pontos)
this site only takes data from, for a change like this to happen it would have to be on first so then it could change here
0 votos
respondida 12 Ago, 2020 por GabsGermanotta (46,262 pontos)
but you already can do it if you're a pro on lastfm
0 votos
respondida 12 Ago, 2020 por lucasmd14 (31,930 pontos)
i think you can do it if you update to pro

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