+4 votos
205 visitas
perguntou 27 Jul, 2020 em Charts por gabrielbt_ (13,622 pontos)

#1  Glee Cast: Glee: The Music, Volume 1  (RE)  PEAK #1

#2  Glee Cast - Glee: The Music, Volume 4  (RE)  PEAK #2
#3  album-single
#4  Glee Cast - Glee: The Music, Volume 2  NEW
#5  Bad Bunny - YHLQMDLG  (+1)  PEAK #1 (5x)
#6  Glee Cast - Glee: The Music, Season 4 Volume 1  (+4)  PEAK #3
#7  James Blunt - Once Upon A Mind  (-2)  PEAK #5
#8  album-single
#9  EXO-SC - 1 Billion Views - The 1st Album  (+16)  PEAK #9
#10  album-single

1 Resposta

+2 votos
respondida 27 Jul, 2020 por gabrielblueice (53,446 pontos)
selecionada 27 Jul, 2020 por gabrielbt_
Melhor resposta

#1. SHINee - The Story of Light 'Epilogue' (+2) *peak: #1(2x)*
#2. Seventeen - Heng:garæ (+2) *new peak*
#3. Baekhyun - Delight (-2) *peak: #1*
#4. SHINee - Lucifer (RE) *new peak*
#5. SHINee - The Misconceptions of Us (RE) *peak: #5(2x)
#6.Taylor Swift - Lover (RE) *peak: #1(2x)*
#7. Red Velvet (SeulRene) - Monster (+1) *peak: #2*
#8. ITZY - It'z Me (+1) *peak: #3*
#9. Seventeen - You Make My Day (+1) *new peak*
#10. NCT 127 - Neo Zone: The Final Round (-5) *peak: #1(4x)*
comentou 27 Jul, 2020 por gabrielbt_ (13,622 pontos)

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