Are my certification values good ?

+4 votos
340 visitas
perguntou 23 Jul, 2020 em Charts por patpatpatpat3 (8 pontos)
Hi everyone!

Im a new user here and i wanted to know if my certification values are good.

I listen to a lot of music, for exemple my most played track has 1800+ streams. For my favourite artists i can easily listen to every song more than 100 times.
My no. 1 artist has 19 000 streams, No. 2 to 7 all have between 1000 and 2000.

Now that you know approximately how much music i listen here are the certification values that i thought about :


Gold : 500 000
Plat : 1 000 000
Diamond : 10 000 000

Weight Album/Single

Plays : 300
Points : 100

Thank you for your help :)

1 Resposta

+1 voto
respondida 24 Jul, 2020 por gabrielblueice (53,446 pontos)
editado 24 Jul, 2020 por gabrielblueice
About certidications it's what most people usually use here, and about the weights you'll know with time what works best (if you wanna put more or less) you make the rules really. Everyone listens to music differently so just because something works for somebody doesn't mean it's gonna work for you too. Remember there are no set rules, you can change it later.

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