the light is coming: 2 years

+7 votos
306 visitas
perguntou 20 Jun, 2020 em Charts por RonaldBh (1,844 pontos)
"the light is coming" by Ariana Grande (feat. Nicki Minaj)

#1 (1x) Bh's Singles Chart
Pure Sales: 816,000
SPS: 2,272,000
Weeks: 23 (7 weeks on top 10)
#7 YEC 2018
#19 All-Time Pure Sales Songs
4x Platinum

3 Respostas

–3 votos
respondida 20 Jun, 2020 por isra_eel (2,929 pontos)
aqui out, gostei da música só no começo depois enjoei rápido
+2 votos
respondida 23 Jun, 2020 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)

the light is coming
Pure Sales: 2,840,000
Streams:  +435,200,000
SPS: 4,026,800
Peak: #1
Weeks: 20
+1 voto
respondida 23 Jun, 2020 por Toveline (616 pontos)
Ariana grande - the light is coming (feat. Nicki Minaj)

#3 (1x) | 39 semanas [5 top 10]
5,329,000 SPS | 5x Platina

#18 YEC 2018 | #29 YEC 2019 | #67 YEC 2020

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