Automatic Rankings

+28 votos
1,040 visitas
perguntou 4 Ago, 2017 em Sugestões por dizzydjc (61 pontos)

Apologies, I do not speak Portuguese.

I wanted to suggest an automatic ranking system for songs/artists/albums with the same amount of plays in one week, where the higher placed entries would go to like new entries as oppose to old entries. At the moment it automatically defaults to alphabetical order but wanted to see if an option could be put in where the user could decide how to base the rankings.

Hope this makes sense? I know you can edit the charts but this would make it so much more easier in the long run.


6 Respostas

+7 votos
respondida 4 Ago, 2017 por heartcat (4,135 pontos)

Resultado de imagem para gretchen que gif...

+4 votos
respondida 4 Ago, 2017 por GeovaneN (22,052 pontos)
+4 votos
respondida 5 Ago, 2017 por Pedromedeiros2 (10,810 pontos)
+4 votos
respondida 5 Ago, 2017 por Deleted user (12 pontos)
It used to be a out-of-box feature, but it seems it's broken now so it automatically sorts everything by track name. I personally hate it but love your idea.
+4 votos
respondida 5 Ago, 2017 por glass_magician (20 pontos)
that would be great tbh
0 votos
respondida 15 Ago, 2021 por Benjigoo (3 pontos)

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