Ariana x Gaga / RAIN ON ME

+8 votos
244 visitas
perguntou 22 Mai, 2020 em Charts por demyxo (2,829 pontos)
This is a SMASH guys! The song is pop perfection and I can't get enough. The pop queens KILLED IT.

This will be debuting at #1 in XOLAND, 100% sure. It has SHOT up to #1 on the live chart with 120k pure singles sold already. The ladies are making history and I'm so glad we are witnessing it. So excited for this!

Question: How do you guys like the song?

2 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 22 Mai, 2020 por GabsGermanotta (46,262 pontos)
It already sold 700,000 pure sales only, it's already the biggest song of 2020 here, taking Selena Gomez's Rare (song) place. I predict that Rain On Me is going to sell ~2M on it's first week.
+1 voto
respondida 22 Mai, 2020 por raffaelxcx (1,958 pontos)

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