Ed Sheeran - Era ÷ (Divide)
Album sales: 3,290,000 SPS | 1,750,000 pure sales
Peak: #1 (6x) | 13 weeks on the chart
Certificação: 3x Platina
Singles (e não singles) da Era
Dive: 1,550,000 SPS | 870,000 pure sales
Peak: #1 (2x) | 9 weeks on the chart
Castle On The Hill: 1,506,000 SPS | 890,000 pure sales
Peak: #1 | 9 weeks on the chart
Certificação: 1x Platina
Happier: 2,114,000 SPS | 1,140,000 pure sales
Peak: #2 (2x) | 12 weeks on the chart
Certificação: 2x Platina
Perfect: 1,722,000 SPS | 970,000 pure sales
Peak: #4 | 11 weeks on the chart
Certificação: 1x Platina
New Man: 1,496,000 SPS | 820,000 pure sales
Peak: #4 | 11 weeks on the chart
Certificação: 1x Platina
Shape Of You: 1,512,000 SPS | 860,000 pure sales
Peak: #5 (2x) | 10 weeks on the chart
Certificação: 1x Platina
Galway Girl: 1,202,000 SPS | 650,000 pure sales
Peak: #6 | 10 weeks on the chart
Certificação: 1x Platina
Eraser: 412,000 SPS | 310,000 pure sales
Peak: #9 | 3 weeks on the chart
Supermarket Flowers: 394,000 SPS | 290,000 pure sales
Peak: #10 | 3 weeks on the chart
What Do I Know?: 300,000 SPS | 220,000 pure sales
Peak: #30 | 2 weeks on the chart
Total da Era (SPS): 15,498,000
Total da Era (pure sales): 8,770,000
E no país de vocês, como se saiu essa Era polêmica do ruivinho?