Itunes Duds State: Week 3

+4 votos
273 visitas
perguntou 25 Mar, 2020 em Charts por Deleted user (9,638 pontos)

- Duds State Itunes Top 10. Week 3-

#1 (=) Never Worn White by Katy Perry= 1.0000

#2 (REBlinding Ligth by The Weeknd= 0.9987

#3 (NEW) Addiction by Doja Cat= 0.8333

#4 (RE) Say So by Doja Cat= 0.8320

#5 (NEW) Rajadão by Pabllo Vittar= 0.8300

#6 (-3) Physical by Dua Lipa= 0.8299

#7 (RE) Never Really Over by Katy Perry= 0.8200

#8 (-6) Stupid Love by Lady Gaga= 0.8195

#9 (NEW) In Your Eyes by The Weeknd= 0.8180

#10 (-3) Don´t Start Now by Dua Lipa= 0.7500

-Itunes Top 10 Albuns-

#1 (NEW) After Hours by The Weeknd= 1.000

#2 (NEW) Hot Pink by Doja Cat= 0.7466

#3 (-2) Manic by Halsey= 0.4533

#4 (NEWKid Krow by Conan Gray= 0.3466

#5 (+4Witness by Katy Perry= 0.2400

#6 (-1Romance by Camila Cabello= o.2000

#7 (NEW111 by Pabllo Vittar= 0.1985

#8 (NEWWitness Deluxe by Katy Perry= 0.1600

#9 (-1Prism by Katy Perry= 0.1466

#10 (NEWDedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen= 0.1200

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