Doja Cat: Say So (Debut)

+9 votos
261 visitas
perguntou 6 Mar, 2020 em Charts por demyxo (2,829 pontos)

Doja Cat's "Say So" debuted at #6 this week with 313.000 units, 180.000 pure. The single has become Doja's seventh top 10 hit. Following an amazing performance on The Tonight Show and the equally amazing music video, the song was sent to radio and has become a hit here in XOLAND. Congrats Doja Cat!

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How did the single do on your charts?

1 Resposta

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respondida 8 Mar, 2020 por dyllie_bh (1,006 pontos)
It debuted last week in #13 and got up to #6 this week, extending its mark as Doja Cat's biggest hit around here. The single "Boss Bitch", from the Birds Of Prey movie, also appeared in the charts this week in #42, being the second song from the movie to appear here, after Lauren Jauregui's "Invisible Chains", which debuted in #3 two weeks ago.

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