TOVE LO: Sunshine Kitty

+7 votos
285 visitas
perguntou 15 Fev, 2020 em Off-Topic por porpinao (66,249 pontos)

"Sunshine Kitty', Tove Lo
peak #1 | weeks 20
(564k pure sales)
chart-run 1 - 4 - 11 - 14 - 10 - 8 - 3 - 5 - 3 - 7 - 39 - 10 - 3 - 21 - 2 - 26 - 25 - 43 - 45 - 7

#5. "Glad He's Gone" | weeks 19 | 2M
#2. "Bad As The Boys" | weeks 7 | 800k
#1. "Sweettalk my heart" | weeks 14 | 1,8M
#3. "Are You Gonna Tell Her?" | weeks 4 | 400k


1 Resposta

+1 voto
respondida 17 Fev, 2020 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)
selecionada 17 Fev, 2020 por porpinao
Melhor resposta

Sunshine Kitty

Pure Sales: 661,980
SPS: 1,027,236
peak #5 | weeks 16


#15 Glad He's Gone | 1,2M
#27 Bad as the Boys | 0,5M
#34 Really Don't Like U | 0,6M
#53 Sweettalk my Heart | 0,3M
#15 Are u Gonna Tell Her? | 0,8M

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