HARRY STYLES: Fine Line debut numbers

+5 votos
319 visitas
perguntou 26 Dez, 2019 em Charts por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
editado 26 Dez, 2019 por porpinao

Harry Styles had his very first album to debut at the top of the charts with his second studio album, Fine Line. While his debut album debuted at #34 and topped the charts only after 7 weeks, Fine Line gave Harry one of the biggests debuts of the year. 

Fine Line by Harry Styles
peak #1 | debut 227,000 SPS (127k pure sales)
weeks on chart 2



Lights Up

peak #1 | 8 weeks on chart | 1,1019,000 

Adore You

peak #1 (3 weeks at peak) | 3 weeks on chart | 558,000 

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