LOVER ERA (até o momento)

+13 votos
838 visitas
perguntou 28 Nov, 2019 em Off-Topic por matthrz (8,106 pontos)


PEAK #1 (2x) | 21 WEEKS


#1 (2x) ME! | 982k
#1 (2x) YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN | 1.2M
#1 (2x) LOVER | 716k
#1 THE MAN | 962k

#2 I Forgot That You Existed | 568k
#4 Paper Rings | 442k
#5 Cruel Summer | 418k
#2 Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince | 382k
#3 Cornelia Street | 262k
#8 Afterglow | 226k
#16 It's Nice to Have a Friend | 140k
#13 Death By a Thousand Cuts | 136k
#10 Soon You'll Get Better | 132k
#15 I Think He Knows | 122k
#17 London Boy | 118k
#14 False God | 114k
#31 The Archer | 90k
#30 Daylight | 30k

TOTAL ERA 9.123.000

7 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 28 Nov, 2019 por pedronxa08 (577 pontos)

Lover - Album

SPS: 2.200.700

Peak: #1 (3x) | Weeks: 13

Chart Run: - 2 - 5 - 6 - 3 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 16 - 32 - 2 - 1 - 1

Previsão: #2 (-1)

+3 votos
respondida 28 Nov, 2019 por GabsGermanotta (46,262 pontos)

#1 10x | 22 semanas

#1 (2x) ME! - 6,360,000
#1 You Need To Calm Down - 4,360,000
#1 (3x) The Archer - 5,094,000
#1 Lover - 3,858,000
#1 Cruel Summer - 2,742,000
#1 Daylight - 1,852,000

#2 The Man - 2,060,000
#2 Death By A Thousand Cuts - 2,122,000
#3 (2x) I Think He Knows - 2,506,000
#4 (2x) Miss Americana & the Heartbrak Prince - 2,416,000
#4 Paper Rings - 2,022,000
#4 Cornelia Street - 2,050,000
#6 False God - 1,720,000
#8 Afterglow - 1,580,000
#8 I Forgot That You Existed - 1,344,000
#9 London Boy - 1,418,000
#14 It's Nice To Have A Friend - 1,226,000
#17 (2x) Soon You'll Get Better - 972,000

Total - 50,588,000

+1 voto
respondida 28 Nov, 2019 por Deleted user (917 pontos)


PEAK #1 (2x) | 30 WEEKS


#1 (1x) ME! | 2.4M
#1 (1x) YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN | 2.1M
#1 (1x) CRUEL SUMMER| 2M
                                                                                        #1 (1x) THE ARCHER| 1.2M                                                                                                #1 (1x) MISS AMERICANA.. | 2.4M

#2 Lover (Remix) | 1.4M
#4 The man| 1.7M
#7 I forgot that you existed | 187k
#8 London Boy | 182k
#9 Afterglow | 226k
#10 Cornelia Street | 177k
#11 Daylight | 175k
#13 False god | 172k
#14 I Think He Knows | 171k
#15 It's nice to have a friend | 168k
#16 Paper rings | 167k
#17 Soon You'Il get better | 164k

TOTAL ERA 26.699.775

0 votos
respondida 28 Nov, 2019 por LajoanneEntera2 (38 pontos)

# 2 2x | 13 weeks

# 25 ME! - 94,000
# 38 The Archer - 104,000
# 7 Lover - 278.000
# 6 Cruel Summer - 301.000
# 31 I Think He Knows - 94.000
# 18 Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince - 127.000
# 7 False God - 149.000
# 24 I Forgot That You Existed - 182.000


0 votos
respondida 29 Nov, 2019 por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)


PEAK #1 (6x) | 15 WEEKS
SPS 4,732,000


#2 (1x) ME! | 3,6M
#1 (1x) YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN | 2,3M
#2 (2x) LOVER | 2,1M
#1 (3x) CRUEL SUMMER | 2,2M

#3 I Forgot That You Existed | 1,7M
#7 Paper Rings | 1,1M
#3 The Man | 1,5M
#2 Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince | 1,4M
#8 Cornelia Street | 996k
#17 Afterglow | 753k
#15 It's Nice to Have a Friend | 583k
#7 Death By a Thousand Cuts | 1M
#13 Soon You'll Get Better | 735k
#4 I Think He Knows | 1,4M
#10 London Boy | 1,1M
#14 False God | 852k
#4 The Archer | 2,4M
#18 Daylight | 391k

0 votos
respondida 30 Nov, 2019 por Deleted user (3,002 pontos)


Peak: #1 (11x)

SPS: 5.140.200



Peak: #1 (5x)

SPS: 7.117.000

You Need To Calm Down

Peak: #1 (8x)

SPS: 7.432.000

Lover + Remixes

Peak: #1 (5x) [4x solo version]

SPS: 5.430.000


The Archer - 2.428.000 SPS

The Man - 1.793.000 SPS

London Boy - 1.159.000 SPS

Afterglow - 1.583.000 SPS

Cruel Summer - 1.923.000 SPS

I Think He Knows - 1.217.000 SPS

False God - 1.835.000 SPS

Death By A Thousand Cuts - 942.000 SPS

I Forgot That You Existed - 1.092.000 SPS

Soon You'll Get Better - 780.000 SPS

Daylight - 1.071.000 SPS

Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince - 1.046.000 SPS

It's Nice To Have A Friend - 709.000 SPS

Paper Rings - 817.000 SPS

Cornelia Street - 700.000 SPS

Total: 44.214.200 

0 votos
respondida 30 Nov, 2019 por ScarOnYourFace (2,325 pontos)

'Lover' Era

Peak: 1

Chart Run: 42 - 40 - 10 - 30 - 9 - 2 - 1 - 9 - 13 - 41 - 32 - 33 - 36 - 10 - 7 - 7

Sales (Pure): 514,000

Sales (SPS): 1,502,000 


#1 Lover (1,533,000) 

#2 Cruel Summer (493,000)

#3 You Need to Calm Down (1,395,000) 

#6 The Archer (475,000)

#18 The Man (468,000)

#21 I Forgot That You Existed (200,000)

#25 Paper Rings (175,000)

#33 Afterglow (135,000)

#34 Cornelia Street (128,000)

#35 Death by a Thousand Cuts (128,000)

#36 False God (120,000)

#37 I Think He Knows (113,000)

#38 London Boy (118,000)

#39 Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince (105,000)

Total Song Sales: 5,586,000

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