Peak: #3
Chart Run: 3-4-8-12-23
Pure Copies: 420.000
Total Units: 1.032.000
Certification: 1x platinum
Peak: #1
Chart-Run: 1 - 19 - 3 - 4 - 21 - ...
Pure Sales: 280.000
SPS: 694.000
Peak: #1 (1x)
Chart Run: 1 - 2 - 13 - 7 - 8 - ...
Pure Copies: 450.000
Total Units: 1.122.000
Certification: 1x Platinum
Peak : # 10 (1x)
Chart Run : 36 - 12 - 10 - 11
Total Units : 459.000
Certification : -
CHART-RUN 23 - OUT - 5SPS 298.000PURE 150.000
Lose You To Love Me
Peak: #11 | Weeks: 1
Pure Sales: 4.000 | SPS: 84.000
Lose You To Love Me by Selena GomezPure Sales: 120,600Streams: +3,5MSPS: 121,640chart-run: 91 - 68 - 62
19,461 perguntas
103,294 respostas
26,072 comentários
2,413 usuários