Peak: #3 (3x)
Chart Run: 3-OUT (1x)-20-32-OUT-
Pure Copies: 1.480.000
Total Units: 3.442.000
Certification: 3x multi-platinum
All The Time is currently #8 on the 2019 year-end ranking chart.
SPS: 2,337,000 | Peak: #1 (2x) | Weeks: 13 | 2x PLATINUM
All The Time by Zara LarssonPure Sales: 60,100Streams: +10,2MSPS: 94,640chart-run: 75 - 69 - 80 - 80 - 98 - OUT
19,461 perguntas
103,294 respostas
26,072 comentários
2,413 usuários