normani x motivation.

+14 votos
397 visitas
perguntou 27 Nov, 2019 em Charts por demyxo (2,829 pontos)

Normani did not come to play this year. Motivation has already become the third best selling single of all time, only 12 weeks after it's debut. Aside from that, Motivation has been a chart monster, spending 5 non-consecutive weeks at #1 and 10 weeks in the top 10 overall. The song has sold 3.6 million units and has been certified 3x platinum, quickly nearing 4 million units. It is currently holding a place of #3 on the 2019 year end chart.

5 Respostas

+4 votos
respondida 29 Nov, 2019 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)

Normani - "Motivation" single cover artwork
Motivation by Normani
Pure Sales: 222,300
Streams: +24,8M
SPS: 303,920
chart-run: 92 - 68 - 56 - 54 - 47 - 46 - 89 - OUT

+3 votos
respondida 30 Nov, 2019 por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)


Motivation by Normani

Peak: #1 (1x) | Weeks: 10

Streams: +157M

Pure Sales: 351,000 | SPS: 1,403,000

+3 votos
respondida 30 Nov, 2019 por ScarOnYourFace (2,325 pontos)

Peak: 25

Chart Run: 25 - 36 - OUT

Sales (Pure): 68,000

Sales (SPS): 273,000

+1 voto
respondida 1 Dez, 2019 por lucas_cantos (22,299 pontos)

Motivation - Normani

Peak #2 | 13 weeks

Chart-run: 2 - 26 - 18 - 19 - 10 - 45 - 13 - 14 - 21 - 10 - 10 - out 1x - 24 - 43 - ...

2,452,000 SPS

0 votos
respondida 1 Dez, 2019 por Wilwasaa (45,440 pontos)

Peak: 3

Chart Run: 20 - 15 - 30 - 28 - 39 - 37 - 43 - 15 - 28 - 3 - 43 - 28 - 39 - 16 - 43

Sales (Pure): 410,000

Sales (SPS): 1,086,000

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