Lover (Album): Desempenho

+22 votos
1,133 visitas
perguntou 25 Nov, 2019 em Charts por gabrielbt_ (13,622 pontos)


O álbum debutou em #6 e até agora é o maior PEAK

Tem 7 semanas

#6 - 3x - #16 - #12 - #24 - #34 - 5x - #31 - 1x - #9

Vendeu: 580.000 SPS Ouro

Faixas que entraram no chart:

#9  The Archer - 444.000 SPS

#12 (2x)  Lover - 536.000 SPS Ouro

#13 (2x)  You Need To Calm Down - 836.000 SPS Ouro

#15  ME! - 152.000 SPS


15 Respostas

+9 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por LucGab95 (56,820 pontos)
selecionada 26 Nov, 2019 por gabrielbt_
Melhor resposta

Resultado de imagem para tAYLOR SWIFT COVER ALBUM LOVER
Lover by Taylor Swift
Pure sales:
SPS: 3,832,000
Peak: #1 (16x)
Weeks: 18
Chart-run: 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1
Certificate: 3x platinum


ME! - feat. Brendon Urie
Pure sales: 
SPS: 12,612,000
Peak: #1 (6x)
Weeks: 27
Certificate: 12x platinum

You Need To Calm Down
Pure sales: 
SPS: 7,924,000
Peak: #1 (8x)
Weeks: 23
Certificate: 7x platinum

Resultado de imagem para lover taylor swift gif
Pure sales:
SPS: 1,774,000
Peak: #1 (1x)
Weeks: 13
Certificate: Platinum


#1 (7x) - Miss Americana & Heartbreak Prince - 3,104,000
#1 (2x) - The Archer - 3,904,000

#1 (1x) - Afterglow - 1,680,000
#2 (2x) - London Boy - 2,206,000
#2 (1x) - Cruel Summer - 1,752,000
#3 (1x) - False God - 1,590,000
#3 (1x) - The Man - 1,520,000
#4 (2x) - Cornelia Street - 1,738,000
#4 (1x) - Papers Rings - 1,572,000
#4 (1x) - I Forget That You Existed - 1,398,000
#4 (1x) - Death By a Thousand Cuts - 1,924,000
#5 (1x) - Daylight - 1,618,000
#5 (1x) - It's Nice To Have a Friend - 1,478,000
#5 (2x) - I Think You Know - 1,438,000
#7 (1x) - Soon You'll Get Better -1,162,000


comentou 27 Nov, 2019 por Deleted user (11,069 pontos)
Chocado com o sucesso!
+4 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)

Lover, Taylor Swift
peak #1 (5x) | weeks on chart 13
chart-run 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1
3,565,000 (1,657,000 pure sales)
3x platinum

comentou 26 Nov, 2019 por gabrielbt_ (13,622 pontos)
Smash faz assim
comentou 26 Nov, 2019 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
hitou demais aqui
+5 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por ScarOnYourFace (2,325 pontos)


Peak: 1

Chart Run: 42-42-93-69-91-70-10-30-79-9-2-1-9-13-41-32-33-62-36-10-7-7

Sales (Pure): 375,000

Sales (SPS): 1,092,000

+7 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por GabsGermanotta (46,262 pontos)

1 - 5 - 6 - 12 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 14 - 5 - 16 - 2 - 1
#1 10x

+3 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por Deleted user (24,305 pontos)

Chart-run: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 - ...

Peak: #1 (11x)

Pure Sales: 746.000

SPS: 2.142.000

#1 (8x) Lover - 3.348.000 

#1 You Need To Calm Down - 5.130.000 

#1 ME! - 4.104.000 

#1 Cruel Summer - 1.910.000 

#3 (2x) The Archer - 2.692.000 

#17 False God - 306.000

#21 The Man - 160.000

#24 London Boy - 174.000

#26 Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince - 110.000

#27 Soon You'll Get Better - 108.000

#28 Cornelia Street - 116.000

#35 Afterglow - 82.000

#36 Death By A Thousand Cuts - 90.000

#37 Paper Rings - 88.000

#38 I Think He Knows - 76.000

#39 I Forgot That You Existed - 64.000

#40 Daylight - 72.000

#41 It's Nice To Have A Friend - 70.000

+3 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por vitortfv (1,344 pontos)


Lover, Taylor Swift
peak #5 (1x) | weeks on chart 3
chart-run 31 - 19 - OUT - 5 - OUT
219,000 (23,000 pure sales)
certificados: n/c

+2 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por KevinReis (4,038 pontos)

Lover de Taylor Swift

PURE SALES 2.440.000

WEEKS 15 | PEAK 1 (8x)

SPS 3.874.000

1x Platina

+4 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por l4sthop3 (683 pontos)


Taylor Swift - Lover

Peak: #1 (5x) | Weeks: 13

Pure Sales: 669.000 | SPS: 1.931.000

1x Platina



ME! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco)

Peak: #12 | Weeks: 11

Pure Sales: 68.000 | SPS: 680.000

1x Ouro

You Need to Calm Down

Peak: #1 | Weeks: 17

Pure Sales: 117.000 | SPS: 1.235.000

1x Platina


Peak: #1 | Weeks: 11

Pure Sales: 44.000 | SPS: 578.000

1x Ouro


Others Songs

I Forgot That You Existed (Peak: #22 | SPS: 115.000)

Cruel Summer (Peak: #2 | SPS: 982.000) - 1x Ouro 
The Man (Peak: #6 (2x) | SPS: 786.000) - 1x Ouro
The Archer (Peak: #26 | SPS: 188.000)
I Think He Knows (Peak: #17 | SPS: 175.000)
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince (Peak: #1 | SPS: 1.105.000) - 1x Platina
Cornelia Street (Peak: #16 | SPS: 127.000)
Death By A Thousand Cuts (Peak: | SPS: -) 
London Boy (Peak: | SPS: -) 
Soon You’ll Get Better (feat. Dixie Chicks) [Peak: #32 | SPS: 47.000]
False God (Peak: #2 | SPS: 817.000) 1x Ouro
Afterglow (Peak: #17 | SPS: 212.000)
It’s Nice To Have A Friend (Peak: | SPS: -
Daylight (Peak: | SPS: -


+2 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por LeozinFN (1,663 pontos)


Lover, Taylor Swift
Peak: #1 (2x) | Weeks: 14 (+1 pre-order)
SPS: 5.665.000 | Pure Sales: 2.658.000


+3 votos
respondida 26 Nov, 2019 por Ed_Silvah (19,805 pontos)

Peak: #1 (9x)

Chart-Run: 1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-10-4-1-3-1

SPS: 7.713.000

Pure Sales: 6.445.000

ㅡ Singles

#2. ME! ㅡ 2.904.000 SPS | 1.390.000 Pure

#2. You Need To Calm Down ㅡ 2.562.000 SPS | 1.240.000 Pure

#1. The Archer ㅡ 2.275.000 SPS | 1.095.000 Pure

#1 (3x). Lover ㅡ 2.051.000 SPS | 1.025.000 Pure

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