2019's Best Selling Songs

+11 votos
302 visitas
perguntou 19 Nov, 2019 em Charts por LeozinFN (1,663 pontos)

Top 5: Músicas Mais Vendidas de 2019


#1. 7 rings, Ariana Grande - 31 weeks / 6.780.000 SPS



#2. Mother's Daughter, Miley Cyrus - 16 weeks / 5.207.000 SPS



#3. thank u, next, Ariana Grande - 20 weeks / 4.220.000 SPS


Resultado de imagem para venice bitch lana del rey"

#4. Venice Bitch, Lana Del Rey - 9 weeks / 3.277.000 SPS



#5. Blame It On Your Love, Charli XCX - 16 weeks / 3.245.000 SPS


4 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 20 Nov, 2019 por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)
selecionada 22 Nov, 2019 por LeozinFN
Melhor resposta

1. Ariana Grande - 7 rings [10,514,000 SPS]

2. Ariana Grande - break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored [7,703,000 SPS]

3. Billie Eilish - bad guy [6,943,000 SPS]

4. Billie Eilish - bury a friend [5,132,000 SPS]

5. Mark Ronson - Find U Again ft. Camila Cabello [3,558,000 SPS]

+2 votos
respondida 21 Nov, 2019 por Deleted user (3,002 pontos)
#1. Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down / 7.107.000 SPS

#2. Taylor Swift - ME! (feat. Brendon Urie) / 6.962.000 SPS

#3. Taylor Swift - Lover / 4.256.000 SPS

#4. Katy Perry - Never Really Over / 3.619.000 SPS

#5. P!nk - Walk Me Home / 2.855.000 SPS
+1 voto
respondida 21 Nov, 2019 por Deleted user (4,534 pontos)


#1. 7 Rings, Ariana Grande - 26 weeks / 5,633,817 SPS

#2. Juice, Lizzo - 17 weeks / 3,685,786 SPS

#3. Con Altura, Rosalía - 14 weeks / 3,229,354 SPS

#4. Boyfriend, Ariana Grande - 11 weeks / 2,931,039 SPS

#5. Needy, Ariana Grande - 12 weeks / 2,818,928 SPS

+1 voto
respondida 21 Nov, 2019 por victorrsay (3,068 pontos)
#1. 7 rings by Ariana Grande - 7.766.000 *Peak #1 for 8 weeks* - 42 semanas

#2. thank u, next by Ariana Grande - 6.198.000 *Peak #1 for 7 weeks* - 36 semanas

#3. break up wyg, ib by Ariana Grande - 5.486.000 *peak #1 for 4 weeks* -  - 39 semanas

#4. needy by Ariana Grande - 2.242.000 *Peak #2* - 16 semanas

#5. Miss Americana & THP - Taylor Swift - 2.138.000 *Peak #1 for 2 weeks* - 13 semanas

#6. The Man - Taylor Swift - 2.126.000 *Peak #1 for 1 week* - 13 semanas

#7. Lover - Taylor Swift - 2.050.000 *Peak #1* - 13 semanas

#8. bad Idea - Ariana Grande *Peak #2* - 2.028.000 - 16 semanas

#9. Never Really Over - Katy Perry - 1.940.000  *Peak #1 for #1 week* - 11 semanas

#10. Spirit - Beyoncé *Peak #1*- 1.850.000 - 9 semanas

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