+9 votos
496 visitas
perguntou 6 Nov, 2019 em Charts por vitortfv (1,344 pontos)

TOP 5 mais vendidos - Miley Cyrus

Resultado de imagem para slide away cover

1. #1(3x) Slide Away, Slide Away, (3,477,000 SPS) | 3Platina

2. #1(2x) Mother's Daughter, She Is Coming, (2,448,000 SPS) | 2Platina

3. #5(1x) #GETITRIGHT, Bangerz, (348,000 SPS) 

4. #5(1x) Two More Lonely People, Can't Be Tamed, (306,000 SPS)

5. #5(2x) Butterfly Fly Away, Hannah Montana: The Movie, (234,000 SPS) 

6 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 6 Nov, 2019 por Deleted user (4,534 pontos)


#1 (1x) - On a Roll - 1,861,947 SPS


#3 (1x) - Bottom of the Ocean - 1,299,350 SPS


#3 (1x) - Slide Away - 576,600 SPS

#5 (1x) - Party In the USA - 530,549 SPS

#9 (1x) - Malibu - 628,651 SPS

+2 votos
respondida 7 Nov, 2019 por aci0ly (12,124 pontos)

1. #1 (4w) MALIBU | 5,288,000

2. #1 (2w) 7 THINGS | 3,340,000

3. #2 MOTHER'S DAUGTHER | 1,756,000

4. #1 WHEN I LOOK AT YOU | 1,698,000

5. #20 WHO OWNS MY HEART | 1,016,000

6. #2 ON A ROLL | 992,000

7. #6 WE CAN'T STOP | 950,000

8. #31 THE CLIMB | 850,000

9. #34 PARTY IN THE USA | 624,000

10. #14 ADORE YOU | 490,000 

+1 voto
respondida 9 Nov, 2019 por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)

#1. Unholy [2,6M SPS]

#2. Mother's Daughter [2,6M SPS]

#10. I Would Die For You [585K SPS]

0 votos
respondida 9 Nov, 2019 por Deleted user (126 pontos)
Mother's Daughter, Unholy, D.R.E.A.M., Cattitude e Slide Away pegaram #1. Além de "Someone Else" do Bangerz que só fui ouvir essa semana e vai ser #1 tbm.

The Most #2, Drive #3 e Party up the Street #5.

Em certificados, Mother's Daughter, Unholy e The Most são 1x platina enquanto Cattitude e D.R.E.A.M. tão em 900k. Já Slide Away é ouro.
0 votos
respondida 10 Nov, 2019 por Arianagrdiosa (196 pontos)
#5. Mother's Daughter (1.587.000 SPS)

#6. Slide away (1.746.000 SPS)

#17. Unholy (442.000 SPS)

#19. The most (232.000 SPS)

#23. Malibu (161.000 SPS)

flop total
0 votos
respondida 10 Nov, 2019 por airtonneto56 (438 pontos)
#1 We Can't Stop
SPS: 350,000

#2 Love Money Party
SPS: 410,000

#3 Drive
SPS: 380,000

#4 Someone Else
SPS: 430,000

SPS: 400,000

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